View Full Version : Am I ok to do this????

29-06-04, 08:23
Hi everyone,

I have decided to go to college this year to be a phycology major so that i can be a therapist/phycologist. I want to mainly be a specialist with panic, anxiety and all other realted disorders, but I feel like I would be sort of a hypocrit being that i myself am still suffering with these dissorders myself. I am going to be taking all the pych courses I can because i want to help anyone I can. I've had my mind on this for a while and i have finally decided to go forward with it. But now i am second guessing myself! I dont know if anyone is going to reply to this but any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for listening

29-06-04, 09:22
Hi Christie,

I did a psychology degree a couple of years ago and I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed learning about anxiety in more detail although I can't say that it has really helped me overcome it. I think you should go for it. As you have anxiety yourself, you will know exactly what other people are going through.

Good Luck

29-06-04, 10:01
Hi Christie,

yes go for it[^]. Another member who is away in Las Vegas at present getting married has just finished her degree in it.

Don't let the anxiety hold you back,
love Tess

29-06-04, 10:19
go for it!!!

You are the best person for the job- you will know what your patients are describing and you will know tips and secrets to resolving panic.

I am tempted to do a course of this naature at uni this year too- good luck, i hope everyting goes well xx


29-06-04, 12:03
I would definately go for it ! [^]

You aren't just spouting text from a book, you have realife experience.
What better way to help someone, than to give them the wisdom of your experience and share your knowlege.

Good luck and go for it !

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

29-06-04, 19:38
I definately agree with the other posts. You should go for it? You can relate like no other. I wish there were more empathetic therapist!:)

29-06-04, 19:51
Thanks guys for the great feedback it helped, a lot! :). But ya sure its not really being hypocritical? being that i myself am not even close to being "Cured" of these disorders??


29-06-04, 20:32
Hi Christie,
I think it's a great idea!! Just think of how many things you'll be able to learn about panic and anxiety. You'll probably be cured before you have your degree!!!!!!
Sarah (seh1980)

29-06-04, 21:55

You can come back here and cure all of us!!

Yeah go for it - you will learn so much!


30-06-04, 08:00
Thank you all so much you've made me feel much better about going and doing it:D
And if I make it through it all im definitaly comming back to cure everyone lol


30-06-04, 23:55
Hiya Christie,

I`m with everyone else on this one.

GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Hypocritical?????? No way. EXPERIENCED yes. :)

I for one would rather have an educated therapist who can really/honestly relate to what I am going through.

We`ll all be awaiting your return to cure us all as well. ;)

You`ll do great sweetie. As everyone else has already said, you will learn so much. Well worth the investment. :)

Do keep us posted on your journey won`t you?

Well done you for having the courage to see your dreams through.

Take care dear.

Love, Diana xxxx

03-07-04, 12:40
I was interested in this post and asked my ognitive behavioural therapist about it and she said that she herself sufferes from panic disorders and that most therapists of theses kind have now or in the past!! what kind of therapy did you want to go into?


14-07-04, 06:35
Hiya H,

Interesting ey?

I was not aware of "most" therapists having personally experienced anxiety/panic.

That (unfortunately) for me, has not been my experience with therapists.

Though I would love to find one that has at some point experienced it. I think it would make for a better therapist/patient relationship.

Take care all.


Diana xoxoxo

14-07-04, 20:32
I think only people who have first-hand experience with panic attacks should work as therapists for panic and anxiety disorders - in a perfect world that is. But in a perfect world none of these would exist.

Definitely go for it - whether you're cured or not or how close you are to complete recovery doesn't really matter. You know what it feels like and that's the crucial point because it will help you connect to your future patients.

14-07-04, 22:06
My hypnotherapist suffered panic/anxiety for years so she could really relate to it.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could make someone suffer an illness for a day so they understand!!


15-07-04, 01:00
Hi All,


I think you are right. It does`nt matter how close you are to being cured as long as you know what it feels like. So that you are able to relate, I mean really relate to these issues.

I`ve had docs look at me and treat me like some sort of 'NUT CASE'.

It is so unfair. Is`nt it?

I agree, I think only those who have experienced the fear and the attacks can truly be a 'GOOD' therapist for someone who is experiencing these issues.


Lucky you. Having a hypnotherapist who has actually lived the experience.

Yes it would be nice to have atleast these therapists who preach on how it is all in your head, you control these feelings and so on and so on, to suffer. So that they would truly understand the impact of this disorder.

Take care all.

Wishing you all a peaceful day. :)

Love, Diana xoxoxo

15-07-04, 16:45
Hi there!

Great news - you are about to embark on what will one the most interesting experiences of a lifetime! Psychology is a great subject and it can be applied to almost everything so you will have lots of career avenues open to you afterwards, whether it be in counselling, clinical, health or any of the many other areas of psychology.

You are definately not a hypocrite - I myself became interested in psychology following my first bout of depression and I think you will indeed find that there are many eminent psychologists and therapists that have had to or are currently dealing with mental health issues themselves. It really does give you an edge as everyone has said, you have first hand experience and an understanding of how debilitating anxiety can be. Maybe you could do something related to this in your final year dissertation?? I am about to start a masters in health psychology in September and am seriously considering looking at treatments for anxiety, for example traditional drug therapy compared with an alternative therapy such as acupuncture.

Good luck, if you need any help please e-mail me - I think its all still fresh in my mind [:P]

Jo xxx

10-05-06, 11:33
go for it! cant wait for you to come and cure me!! lol best of luck xxx

jools xx