View Full Version : Were they panic attacks?!

24-07-13, 14:08
I a 16 year old girl.
I have sever depression, sever anxiety and stress.
The past 3 days I've been having what I think are panic attacks, my heart starts racing, I feel sick in the stomach, I cry uncontrollably and I sweat.
That has happened at least 1-2 times every day for the past 3 days
Was I having panic attacks? I don't even know what caused them..
What do I do?


24-07-13, 14:49
It does sound like Panic attacks to me. You are describing the symptoms of a classic one. Can you talk to your Doctor?

24-07-13, 15:28
My mother always comes into my doctors appointments, I'm not very close with her so I don't like saying things to do with my mental health around her. It makes me uncomfortable

24-07-13, 15:32
How old are you Kourtney? Is there any chance that you could go into the Doctor alone?

24-07-13, 15:33
Why does she go in with you?

24-07-13, 19:08
Hi Kourtney,

Yes, these do sound like panic attacks.

Would you be able to go to the doctor alone, maybe without your mum knowing?

25-07-13, 02:39
I'm only 16, I don't think that is a possibility.
I could has her if she can book am appointment for me but not to come in, but it would be awkward.

25-07-13, 14:59
Hey Kourtney,

You have indeed described at least a certain level of altered state of anxiety - there may be many reasons for that, many of which can be explained quite well by people who have studied the particular subject. As your body goes through changes, so does your nervous system, that is why it is important that a young person, who's body is still under development, takes a good care of herself. Regular rest (sleeping regularly, the same ammount of hours), limits on blank starring into the computer screen, all serve to recharge you emotionally and physically. Eating regularly is another aspect - although your brain does not occupy more than 2% of your body weight, it actually consumes about a third of all the energy that you intake with food - make sure your diet includes healthy regular meals consisting of vegetables, nuts, fish, all of which have shown evidence to literally change our wiring, as the brain and nervous cells get worn out just like any other muscle would.

These would be the first steps towards controlling your emotional rollercoasters.

25-07-13, 15:14
I'm only 16, I don't think that is a possibility.
I could has her if she can book am appointment for me but not to come in, but it would be awkward.

I think you should do that Kourtney.

27-07-13, 04:27
HEY Kourtney! I think you have such a pretty name. It's not a name you often hear. What can you tell us about yourself. Any brothers or sisters? Do you have a boyfriend?:winks:

28-07-13, 01:04
Thank you!
I have 6 brothers and one sister:)
My full brothers are: Jordan (14), Cameron (19).
My half brothers (different mum) : Sean and Matt who are twins, Craig (I'm not exactly sure how old they are, I don't see them much but they both have kids)
And my other Half brother and sister (different dad): Mark (29), Vanessa (25) (Vanessa has a disability, not exactly sure what it is though).

and yes I do have a boyfriend, his name is jake, he is 18 and we've been dating for a year :)