View Full Version : iron burn worry

24-07-13, 18:46

It is definite, at the moment I am really unable to think straight. I don't have a minute peace from feeling doomed somehow.

I burned myself 2 days ago on an iron, on my leg. You would wonder how did i manage that... I left the iron to cool down and then i forget and kneel down to get something, i am beating myself about how stupid i was giving myself something too be scared about like i don't have enough already.
At first it looked like almost nothing, like a bit of peeled skin, just like when your skin is peeling, but nothing else, and it didn't hurt much, just a bit. It's not numb either cause that would be even worse then pain. But over the course of the day i even forgot about it. Then when I was showering and felt it burn in that area and when i looked down i remembered and saw a red line where iron has touched the skin with a scab in the middle area, probably where the impact was worst. I am now panicking about it, worrying it will get infected with all sorts of dangerous bacteria like Clostridium or MRSS... I hate myself for thinking this way but I just can't help it. I am not sure if I should do something. I can't possibly go to the doctor for this, I thought about calling 111 just for advice but I really feel stupid even thinking that, although the other part of me just wants to know it looks normal and that it's not infected. Any suggestions?


24-07-13, 19:28
Well keep it clean is really all you can do, but unless the skin is broken or the burn is deep, infection isn't too much of a worry. Just keep an eye on it for the classic signs of infection, such as pus, blistering, etc, which usually die down pretty quickly anyway. The body is very good at fighting infection. If anything gets worse, such as a fever, etc, then you will have to see a doctor.