View Full Version : Lost my voice starting to worry!!

25-07-13, 00:26
So while the weather had been really muggy and no air I had a little sore throat yesterday it started to go and today its near enough gone so the logical side is laryngitis but I just read something on goggle saying its sudden voice loss present then throat 'c' came up now I'm kind of panicking a little if its completely gone tomorrow I'm going to the the walk in centre it feels a little hard to breath and extremely dry I can't feel no lumps in my throat my phlegm is as green as grass and I have a cough :(

25-07-13, 00:51
I can relate. Got a killer sore throat Friday hurt when I swallowed ate when I yawned had it untill Monday and it started to go now I have got a cough and voice keeps going. Think its just with it being so hot thst bugs r just all over the place. Try not to worry too much. Im sure its probably just a summer cold

25-07-13, 08:15
Green phlegm sounds much more like an infection than cancer. Try a steam inhalation (don't burn yourself!) and maybe some pain relief if it's sore still.

25-07-13, 10:10
I lost my voice a couple of weeks ago and it took a week to come back. All to do with a cold infection.

25-07-13, 11:36

Had to reply to this as one of my friends posted on facebook yesterday that she's just lost her voice and it's been gone for four days now. She doesn't have HA so isn't the least bit concerned but if you have a viral infection it can affect your voice for quite a while. Years ago a friend of mine had laryngitis and had no voice for two weeks.

Sounds like a viral infection I really wouldn't worry, there's nothing to suggest it's anything else.

Take care

25-07-13, 13:37
Thanks all for your reply's very grateful for your time been to doctors 12.30 today she's a nice lady she said when I walked in have you lost weight since last time you came I said probably she weighed me she said my dear you have out it on my mistake I'm 63kg I was 9 stone 2lbs I'm now 9 stone 9lbs so that's a good thing I guess and then she had a look at my throat listened to my chest had a look in my ears and said I'm ok it will take around 2 weeks to clear and its a viral infection so not to worry x

25-07-13, 14:25
Classic signs of a respiratory tract infection.

26-07-13, 10:17
I lost my voice a couple of months ago and last year I lost it twice. I'm a teacher and it's pretty hard to teach without your voice. My doctor made me take time off because he said that the more I kept using my voice the longer it would take to heal. I also worried about it being throat cancer. You don't have cancer you just have a virus. Try to rest your voice as much as possible.

26-07-13, 10:26
Almost all teachers get this - combo of voice strain and all the bugs we are exposed to! It's important to remember that whispering strains the voice too. I was told by a speech therapist never to use medicated pastilles (I still sometimes do, I admit!) but to drink warm fluids and suck boiled sweets.

26-07-13, 12:17
You're a teacher? Seconday school or primary school? I'm primary. Yea I knew that about whispering but it is so hard to just say nothing, even at home! Ha ha

26-07-13, 12:34
Well I have been until now - just being bullied out of post as we speak... :doh:

26-07-13, 12:43
You mean out of your teaching position? Don't you have a union?

---------- Post added at 21:13 ---------- Previous post was at 21:10 ----------

Sorry about hijacking your thread illgetthere. Look at it this way it will give you something to read while you are resting your voice lol.

26-07-13, 12:47
Oh yes. They are swamped with people in my situation.

26-07-13, 12:52
Sorry to hear it speranza. I hope it can be resolved.

26-07-13, 12:57
Thank you for the kind thoughts. I'm dealing with people who have disciplined colleagues for their absence due to new disability and treatment for a tumour so I'm not overly hopeful, but it's nice to know people care! It's happening to hundreds, maybe thousands of people in the UK at the moment; schools are being privatised by the back door and those who take them over don't always seem to care much for staff. Or children.