View Full Version : hi to you all

25-07-13, 00:36
hi to all of you im new to this ive been diagnosed with anxiety disorder by my doc but ive had 18 month of hell dad and mother inlaw both diagnosed with cancer dad done great mum passed away in june I thought I was doin ok but maybe im not any advice would be great thanks :weep:

25-07-13, 07:51
:hugs: Hello, and welcome.

I am so, so sorry for all that you are going through. There are plenty of wonderful people on the forums here that you can talk to. So make some posts - share your feelings, and connect with others that understand how you're feeling.

Did your doctor prescribe any meds?


25-07-13, 08:22
:welcome: and a massive, massive :bighug1:

25-07-13, 20:36
Welcome to the forums. I'm so sorry to hear about what has happened to your parents. :bighug1: You'll find support here.

25-07-13, 22:23
hi to everyone I would like to share my story with you all my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer jan 2012 then march 2012 mum in law was diagnosed with bowel cancer then September 2012 my neice died aged 26 then October 2012 dad was diagnosed with lung cancer my 18 month of hell but I was ok I stayed strong I worked looked after my family took dad for radiotherapy then chemo the radiotherapy again theres loads I could say but I wont go on I did have my moments but I had to carry on mum in law went through her treatment of chemo as well its the hardist thing ive had to do in my life then in april this year my dad was put into remmision he has done fantastic doc was so pleased with him then in june mum in law passed away we were devasted we were ther with her for 12 hours a day for nearly 2 weeks at the end at the hospice I returned to work shortly after now ive nearly fell apart ive been diagnosed with anxiety disorder im gutted ive not had panick attack but feel panicky and stressed doc recommended counselling im trying to come to terms with everything has anyone got any advice for me thankyou x:weep:

25-07-13, 22:41
Hello mouse81, this is my first posting on the forum so hope I can help a little. Is it any wonder your feeling panicky after the tough time you've had lately??? your body is trying to tell you it's very tired at the moment and needs a bit of time to come to terms with the things that have happened in your life.. Anxiety is a very powerful thing and can be sooo debilitating at times you know. Please think seriously regarding the counselling though what have you got to lose?? Take care x

---------- Post added at 21:41 ---------- Previous post was at 21:30 ----------

Hello everyone, this is my first time on any kind of forum. I just need to talk really, I have had a very severe form of health anxiety for many years having peaks at different times in my life. I'm so desperate for this c*ap to end I hope I don't wake up in the morning if I do actually go to sleep at the mo ( changing meds not sleeping). I've had everything you can possibly imagine wrong with me (in my head) but sometimes physical symptoms too. My latest problem started a few months ago with itching shall we say to be polite in my nether regions gp given loads of different creams etc, Ive asked the obvious question regarding the C word and she said it's deffo not that. Now I'm panicking cos I've got a hard yellow lump in the area and a brown spot on the outside, so yes you guessed it i'm going back again in the morning to the gp I can't eat or think because i'm soooo terrified. Anyway, thanks for listening.

25-07-13, 22:45
hi curly thank you for your reply im waiting to be assessed then I get matched to a counsellor i think this will help me but ive just been signed of work as sick i think i need some space and time

25-07-13, 23:40
Hi mouse81, I'm also quite new to the forum, my GP referred me to NHS mental health service for counselling, I waited for 5 months after my initial assesment to get an appointment so ended finding a local counselling service that took self referals (dont know if I'm allowed to say the name on here, so i wont just incase) but they have been fab. By they time my NHS appointment came through I had waited a total of 9 months and by that time I had almost finished the counselling that I found on my own. As curly says, seriously think about the counselling as I dont know what I would have done without it. Unfortunatley there is no set waiting time for NHS so it may be a long wait, hope its not too long for you (if you decide to give it a go) and that you get the help you deserve, we are all here in the meantime if you need to talk :hugs: