View Full Version : stuck between a rock and hard place

14-10-06, 11:27
hello all im pleased to say that since being on citalopram with teething problems the first six weeks i am feeling better. but i now feel stuck like im back to where i was before i was ill but feel like i have nothing to look forward to and at 25 this is quite sad. its just that with two young children i cant work i feel trapped any advice? love to all and tc xxxxxx

m potts

14-10-06, 11:51
The thing about kids is that they grow and then you work!! Try to get a job that fits around them which i know is not easy. I used to work nights and weekends for years as hubbie is a 9 to 5 computer nerd. Now i work in a school so when they,re off so am i.

14-10-06, 12:37
Hi Potts,

Lovely to hear you are feeling better, ,I too found it hard to return to work, how old are the children? are they at school?. I used to do a bit of vouluntary work when my kids where at school at my Local Day Centre for the elderly, it did me the world of good and it got me out of the house, it helped me get back on track !



14-10-06, 14:32
I worked for 4 years at our local infant school as a classroom ass and a dinnerlady and I got both these positions from being a helping mum.

It worked out brilliantly cos I we got all the same holidays off etc.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

14-10-06, 16:37
Glad to hear your feeling better on the citalopram.Im sure things will work out for you soon.
Take care;)

Ellen XX

15-10-06, 17:40
Glad to hear you are feeling better on Citalopram! I have been taking it for about 5 weeks and am starting to feel better, slowly too! Great news!
Welcome to the site, you will find lots of help and advice here!
X x x x :D


15-10-06, 18:56
thanks everyone my kids are 6 and 3 so i guess a job in a school is the way to go but i think my daughters school might be out as i have upset tham in the past. any way thanks tc xxxxxxx

m potts

16-10-06, 03:18
Hi potts,

Good to hear your feeling better.

It's so hard when you have young children been there before and it does seem neverending but always keep positive as i believe that is the key to beating this thing.

Take care babe.



17-10-06, 22:57
Hi Potts - I do think its important to try to do something which reminds you that you are worthwhile, not enough recognition is given to Parenting
anyway, but maybe just a little voluntary work / a classroom volunteer job to fit in the hours you can manage would give you other contacts and give another perspective on things.

18-10-06, 21:45
Potts i think its best not to work in your kids school as they follow you around!!!

18-10-06, 23:57
Hi Potts,

What about working in a school nearby, not the one your children attend as that could be difficult. If that is not possible what about a lunch time waitressing job in the meantime.

Hugs to you


19-10-06, 19:44
Anything that makes you feels valued and gets you out and focusing on something else will help your self esteem and thus confidence and improve your outlook on the world.

Volunteering ... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3767)
Volunteer Work! Update (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6479)


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress