View Full Version : Fear of stroke strikes again... With a vengeance

25-07-13, 00:41
Hi everyone.
My uncle, who I am very close to just had a stroke yesterday. He's still in the hospital, and as of this point, that is all I know... For quite some time, I've had this irrational fear of having a stroke (I'm 20 years old, great BP, healthy weight, and no previous illnesses) and was just overcoming the fear of this life-threatening illness and now the worry has stricken me once again :( I now fear that this may be a hereditary thing and my anxiety levels are off the rockers :( I'm very worried about my uncle right now and am fearful that he won't make it out okay :/

25-07-13, 05:15
we all have these same problems i think everyday i'm having a stroke and i even have all the symptoms numb arm, head pain leg pain face twitching i will pray for your uncle it will be ok
bless you

25-07-13, 07:58
If your BP and weight are good, you will be okay. My family had a history of strokes but meds kept my dad safe. Same for my Ex, he is free of the illnesses which killed his father and grandpa. We have made so much progress in preventative medicine, at your age there is absolutely no need for you to worry that your family history will impact your health in that way. Just make sure your GP is aware and that as you get older you are monitored.

Sending lots of love and healing to you and your uncle. xx