View Full Version : I just wanna follow my dreams

25-07-13, 02:46
Ever since I can remember I've always liked singing, I used to do it all the time.
Then anxiety struck and I was stopped trying to follow the dream for 6 years. I'm 24 now, and I've slowly got more confident. It's weird because the people I know have connections to help me but they just aren't bothering, but that's the kind of friends I have. I was floating around not moving at all until I met my new girlfriend. Problem is, she lives in France and she sings and plays guitar, so now I'm watching and hearing about her do all the thing I want to do and it sparks a little jealousy. I will always support her and never try and stop her but it just makes me feel worse about myself, I have no money to even go to the recording studio because I don't feel like I'd be good at any jobs and get panic attacks just before interviews, so I'm just stuck in a lonely place. I'm ready to start but money is holding me back and the route is anxiety.

I dunno what to do:shrug:

25-07-13, 08:11
You need to swap to a 'can do' attitude. You are talking yourself out of following your heart.

Why not post again with three tiny steps you could take? Break the problem down until you find the first thing you can do to change your situation.

25-07-13, 15:13

I would agree with Speranza - "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a small step" - the proverb is a way to begin unrolling those plans. Waste no more of your time by analysing the steps of others, unless you are learning someting. I would suggest finding autobiographies of people that you see as inspiring to you and read their stories - we can find depths of knowledge in the tales of others.