View Full Version : New, looking for people to talk to

25-07-13, 03:43

I have been lurking the boards for a couple of months, but finally decided to post. This is my first situation with uncontrollable anxiety.

I am a 27 year old working professional. My hobbies are fitness, crafts, watching tv shows and cooking. I am so stranger to anxiety, as my very best friend and well as many others I know suffer from various forms of it, mostly social anxiety. I myself have had small issues with anxiety in the past, but never to the point where it ruled my life. Until now.
I have terrible health anxiety. I always had to a certain extent (really bad when I was a small child) but not to where it ruled my daily life. Over the past couple of months I have had crippling health anxiety that I think about every second of every day.

I know you have all heard this fear before, and I have worked on quelling it so please do not judge. I had a good friend be diagnosed with MS back in May. As his friend and a friend with his wife and children, I of course thought about his diagnosis a lot. I did my own research on the disease, and never should have read the symptoms, because reading the symptoms ruined my life.

I suddenly had every symptom on the list. I honestly thought I had MS. That night, on the way to thy gym I actually worked myself into a full blown panic attack (which I had only had one previously in my life). Increased heart rate, hold and cold sensations over my body, lightheadedness, etc. I honestly almost took myself to the hospital.
Since that day, I have had all sorts of MS symptoms, which I have learned since then are also symptoms of anxiety. Muscle twitching and electric shock sensations around my body mostly. Every time I have an ache or pain in my body I fixate on it…and google. It has been ruining my life and my amazing relationships.

I have been to a GP twice and an eye doctor (to have my optical nerve checked, of course). My second visit with my GP was today. She has assured me that at this time, I have nothing to be concerned about. She said that I do not have any muscle weakness and that the weird sensations I have been feeling (twitching and electric shock feelings, etc.) were not localized to one area, so that they were most likely anxiety. She prescribed me Ativan and also referred me to a psychiatrist, which I will follow through with.

I know my problem and am going to try and work through it. I am looking for some friends and support, and would love to talk. J

25-07-13, 07:57
Hello! Welcome! :D

So many of us have anxiety, which worsened when reading about symptoms on Google. lol You are not alone, and most of us can't judge you - we're in the same boat! :D

I too have thought I've had MS, and ALS. All kinds of things... If I stop focusing on one thing, then another comes to mind.

Today I'm starting my meds, as someone on the forum said - I don't want to endure life anymore... I want to live. And I put my hubby and family through so much. So I have to be brave and work on things. Last year I spent every other day at the doctor. This year I've been to the doc twice, but the anxiety is awful and I really do need help.

Hope to see you around on the forum! :hugs:

25-07-13, 08:05
Hi, nobody here will judge you. :welcome: My sister and I (in our fifties) have learnt to support each other by ringing and jovially asking how the MS is today...

Actually my dad died of Motor Neurone Disease (Lou Gehrig's) so I have an extra bow in the quiver of self-torment... ;)

Lovely to meet you, welcome! x

25-07-13, 17:13
Thanks guys :) It really is nice to see that others are in the same boat. Like, really nice. I was starting to feel awfully crazy. :(

25-07-13, 20:17
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)

25-07-13, 21:24
Its like im reading my life only somepne else has written it!!! I TOO have believed eho heartedly that i have ms, seemed to have all thr symptoms mostly the dizziness weak arms snd legs and tremors in my hand. I have been told i definitly do not have this after numerous tests over the last year and two stints in hospital my neurologist and gp and ent have put it down to anxiey disorder! I was shocked as i never knew it could causr such hideous relentless symptoms which make us more anxious whick exasberates the symptoms. Its a hideous cycle! I am new to this site and id love a chat with people who actually understand me :)

26-07-13, 17:33
I do understand how you feel. It is really hard and others sometimes do not appreciate your situation if they don't suffer like this. I am happy to talk to you.:welcome:I am also new.

26-07-13, 18:12
:welcome:I hope this forum supports you as it has me!


27-07-13, 21:19
Hi there, i'm new too but not to this horrific health anxiety, it's good to know we're not alone :hugs: