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View Full Version : Advice on alprozalam withdrawal

25-07-13, 04:39
Please forgive me if this is the wrong category. I cannot find a sub forum on this drug, but diazepam most closely relates.

I developed a severe skin reaction about a year and a half ago due to stopping topical steroids. I have beaten that beast and am steroid free and my skin is good. Unfortunately my doctor put me on all kinds of other stuff - zolpidem for sleep, hydroxizine for the itch, and alprozalam for calming me. I am off the antihistamines and the sleeping pills. I was up to about 3 mg of alprozalam up until maybe 6 months ago and began to taper on my own. Now I am down to 3/4 to 1 mg a day. I go back and forth, but I can't seem to break below that. If I go to 1/2 mg a day (1/4 in am and 1/4 before bed) I start getting uncomfortable. I have only experienced some rapid heart rate, a little depression from time to time, but no serious anxiety or big sleep problems. Just wondering if I can drop below once and for all and not expect any crazy symptoms. I have been scared by talk of seizures and death of course, but I feel that my usage is very light now, especially when reading about all the poor folks who are up to huge amounts, over 10 mg., and those issues probably aren't concerns at this point. It just seems that getting to zero is the hardest part. Am I close to being done here? Can't wait as I will never touch this stuff again.

Any advice/suggestions?

Many thanks

25-07-13, 10:06
The NHS in the UK won't prescribe Xanax so I don't think there's many on here who can offer advice.

06-08-13, 15:08