View Full Version : Dvt/Pe panic attacks-

25-07-13, 06:13
Unfortunately I'm suffering a huge bout of health anxiety at the minute, to the point where it is running (and ruining) my life.

A few weeks ago I had chest/back pain and after a clear.ECG diagnosed myself with a PE. Went to the hospital, told them my fears. Blood and chest xray clear no sign of clot, all great.

So since then.I've moved on to several other illnesses, now blood clot worries are back with a vengeance.

I have sharp pain when breathing in and back pain, and a slight cough. This brought me back to PE. I have a pain in my calf when I walk and when I flex my leg. I put this down to muscule strain til I read it is a sign of DVT, now my thigh is.hurting . Mind
Is now in overdrive.

Gp appointments are hard to get and I.dont live close enough to a walk in centre. Family wont take me as they.dont believe there is anything wrong.

Im scared I'm going to drop down dead of a PE any timw now, im beyond terrified. I.don't even.know why im writing this, just so scared.

25-07-13, 07:55
Hi, I fought this one last month. My main line of attack is that I've had so many in the past with no ill-effects. It is hugely likely to be a pulled muscle, isn't it. If it's not red/bruised/painful to the touch (rather than hurting generally) then it is SO not dvt.

I'm sorry you are feeling so scared.

But I really, REALLY doubt it is anything serious. You will know if it is, and they can treat it - but it's probably nothing to worry about. I am using the word 'probably' because I'm not a doctor - but I would put money on it. xx :hugs::hugs: