View Full Version : Really scared and nervous :( ...but for no reason?

25-07-13, 06:16
Hello! So I might have a problem, I might not. There is a back-story that I need to tell as well so maybe one of you can help me answer my questions.
I was born without a cervix! So my doctor said that I can't have kids normally and that I'm going to need some type of fertilization treatment down the road. I am on the pill, although I have only been taking it for not even two weeks now. I get a period, but it doesn't actually come out of me, seeing that I don't have a cervix.
For some reason, I'm still scared that somehow I am pregnant. I haven't had sex in exactly a month and I'm not showing signs. I have headaches occasionally however, but that is the only thing i can think of. I feel silly posting on here because chances are i can't even get pregnant, but I'm worried that i am for some reason. Please help me :(

25-07-13, 07:53
Hi Sweetheart, :welcome: How interesting... my daughter's friend is the same.
Basic logic - if blood can't get OUT, sperm can't get IN. Relax. xxx

p.s. did this give you endo by any chance?

25-07-13, 16:30
thank you... :) really? I didn't think there would be anyone with the same situation as me! I'm kind if relieved to know that I'm not completely alone. I will relax now :) thank you again :)

25-07-13, 16:43
For complete piece of mind , try a pregnancy test. Our bodies are very clever & weired things - no one can ever give a definitive answer without being a complete expert or testing......so a pregnancy test from a local super market would be best to give you piece of mind.


25-07-13, 16:49
If she has no cervix there is no way to get pregnant... not naturally at least.

25-07-13, 21:59
If she has no cervix there is no way to get pregnant... not naturally at least.

Quite condescending comment - obviously the chances are like - nill but, for her to thread , she's obviously worried so my opinion and advice was and still is.....
if she's going out of her mind with worry to get a 'proper test'.

I don't like to presume but I doubt your a gynecologist, so expert advice OR proper testing is not a bad suggestion on my part, towards someone who is this worried.

This is not a know it all contest Speranza & my opinion/advice is mine & yours is yours. No need to pull someone up for suggesting something sensible. We are here to help, aren't we???:lac:

Ps I have a BSc in biomedical science route Human Biology & am in the process of undertaking an Msc in a related field. So I know a wee bit about this stuff!

25-07-13, 22:18

25-07-13, 22:30

26-07-13, 00:06
If she has no cervix there is no way to get pregnant... not naturally at least.

It is possible, but highly unlikely. There is also a high likelihood of miscarriage if a woman without a cervix becomes pregnant if miscarriage doesn't happen then bed rest is recommended for 30 weeks.

Best option would be for the OP to have a pregnancy test or see an expert. This is a complex issue and I don't believe the forum members can just make comments which aren't really helpful.

26-07-13, 06:54
OK, that may well be the case... Was just going by what the fertility specialist told my daughter's friend.

26-07-13, 07:25
Personally, if I was worried about something like this regardless of not being able to conceive naturally, I would take a test! More so for my own peace of mind. I do have a cervix but due to other issues the chances of me conceiving naturally again are very slim. I have on a couple of occasions had to take HPT's because I've felt or thought I could be pregnant although deep down I know it's not really possible. However, these things do happen. It's the only way to know for sure. Just my opinion. xx

26-07-13, 09:07
OK, that may well be the case... Was just going by what the fertility specialist told my daughter's friend.

What a medical expert says and what a patient hears/understands can often be misconstrued by the patient.

26-07-13, 09:15
Melanie began this thread for reassurance, which I hope she now has. Interesting though all the other discussion is, I'm not sure this is the appropriate place to continue it.

26-07-13, 11:53

Are you happy with the support you've received for your problem? I can see that the discussion has digressed a little from your original question.


26-07-13, 17:03
Thank you everyone! Yeah, a pregnancy test would be best I suppose. But I have one more question. It's been a month and almost a week; wouldn't I have seen signs by now?

---------- Post added at 16:03 ---------- Previous post was at 16:01 ----------

And yes, you guys have helped me tremendously believe it or not! I have been able to actually live my life, and do something as simple as ready about the royal baby for crying out loud, without wondering if I'm going to be having a baby. Thank you :)

26-07-13, 17:34
Not necessarily. The female body is a complicated thing & because of your issues (no cervix) who knows how a possible pregnancy would present itself. From my experience, if I'm even a few days late with no obvious signs of pregnancy I need to test because with my history a possible pregnancy for me is potentially life threatening. I'm not saying that's the case for you (not trying to scare you) but only a simple test will give you an answer. xx

26-07-13, 18:06
Okay, thank you!