View Full Version : Weird Electric Shock feeling

25-07-13, 06:39
Hello Everyone,

First off I would like to say that I have pretty bad Health Anxiety and just want some answers.

I get this weird sensation of an electric shock feeling in my Chest and Ribs. I have tendentious in both elbows and it feels almost exactly the same. I get this feeling the most when I laugh hard, cough, move a weird way or strain my muceles. It does not hurt at all but it does just feel like a very quick electric shock and then it goes away. It also gets worst when I am dehydrated or have not drinkin enough liquids. It gets worse as well when I am hung over. This has been going on for around 6 months now. I saw a doctor about it and they told me it was just because my whole upper body was very tight and i needed to stretch and take anti-inflamitories, this hasnt seemed to help yet. Just wondering if anyone has had the same thing or knows what it is or knows how to get it away haha.


25-07-13, 06:44
ok i have the worst form of physical extreme health anxiety here's a list of my symptoms

seeing eye floaters (cobweb)

feeling like i have IBS

left arm going numb and palm of hand burning
left arm hurts on and off

headaches up to pain lvl 8

rash like shingles or something

panic attacks

anxiety attacks

stomach cramps

burning pee

split stream (in pee)

yellowing of pee


ringing in ears

hearing lost now and then

since of in impending doom

face aches

stiff back

sweating a lot more then normal

bumps on my chest and around my nipple

since of impending doom

sharp shooting pains in my head

stiff neck


tired all of the time

chest pains

face spasms and sagging lips
and tripping over words


acid reflux

sweating but my body temp will still be cold

25-07-13, 06:49
Hey thanks for the response AnxietyMan, but im just wondering what that has to do with my question? Have you had any symptoms similar to mine? Thanks!!!

25-07-13, 06:52
yes all of them and more i'v been to the ER 94 times in the last 3 months health anxiety causes a physical imbalance with the nerves in your brain all nerves tell your body what to feel when to feel it and it's controls your muscle
so what happens is the nerves since something is wrong even when everything is ok i feel jolts of electric in diff parts of my body all day long head arms face legs and more i get headache lvl8 my ears ring and so on