View Full Version : Coffee............

25-07-13, 10:30
Sorry if this has been covered before but what are peoples experience with anxiety/stress and coffee? I have read many articles on the net and some say its OK and some say its not. Just wondering what peoples real world experiences were. I am not a big coffee drinker but I tend to cut it out completely when I feel crappy but I'm not sure if that's helping or not or whether I should just carry on as usual.



25-07-13, 10:44
I cut out caffeine because it makes me feel jittery - which doesn't help my anxiety.

I drink decaf...

25-07-13, 11:28

I drink 2 - 3 cups of coffee in the morning, 1 in the afternoon and quite a lot of cola - unfortunately - but it doesn`t seem to affect me. Anxiety and caffeine are two different things in my case.

Hope this helps! Good luck!

25-07-13, 11:35
2 answers and both different. It seems I'll just have to try it and see how it affects me personally.

Thanks for the replies. :)

25-07-13, 12:36
I gave up caffeine years ago.

If you ever see a cardiologist and they find out you drink lots of caffeine you will be in trouble - they really don't like it and will strongly advise you give it up!

25-07-13, 12:52
I gave up caffeine a month ago, and my worries/ panics are less intense, and not quite so persistent, so it's working for me.

25-07-13, 13:05
Caffeine gives me palpitations. Don't forget it is in chocolate too!

25-07-13, 14:09
I suffered from extreme anxiety and never touched coffee so I can't see any correlation - If you think its causing you to be more anxious then cut it out.

25-07-13, 14:11
I gave up caffeine years ago.

If you ever see a cardiologist and they find out you drink lots of caffeine you will be in trouble - they really don't like it and will strongly advise you give it up!

Hi again, thank you for your answer. I did have my ECG some time ago with no problems. You are absolutely right that consuming large amount of caffeine is not necessarily beneficial.

On the other hand, I think that sometimes people tend to overreact about small things. I`m not implying that this is the case, of course. Maybe a cup of coffee won`t harm.

I did mention though that it doesn`t affect me, as a person. Others might react differently to it.

Have a great day! :)

25-07-13, 14:14
I can't drink caffeinated coffee as it triggers anxiety attacks. I decided to have a coffee at work a few months ago as I was feeling really tired and I got so jittery and panicky that I had to go for a long walk to calm down. I wasn't tired any more though! I won't be doing it again...


25-07-13, 16:34
I have been caffeine free for years, unfortunately when I do have a cup of coffee nowadays I have a horrible reaction to it, my heart beats faster, sweating, nausea and jittery! I think if this is what caffeine can doto me I am better without it! :D