View Full Version : Need some practical advice.

25-07-13, 10:36
Hi, I posted a thread before about my problems, and got some great responses, was much appreciated.

I am fairly certain some of my symptoms are being caused by Health Anxiety, but I am also sure there is something wrong somewhere, even if it is something not to sinister. The feeling of not knowing what the hell is going on is killing me.

I have never been a regular visitor to the doctors over the years, used to avoid them when at all possible, but over the past 3 months I have been there at least once a week.

My problem is really I have so many problems going on, I don't know where to start. I have tried to break them down and deal with them individually, but 3 months on I haven't solved anything as such, and more and more problems seem to be appearing daily. I feel as though the doctor is fed up of seeing me now, and sends me away with pain killers most of the time. It's not the actual pains that are bothering me, it is what is causing all of this that is really taking my life away from me. If you go to the doctors with to many problems in one go they don't really want to deal with them all at one time. None of my symptoms are ever quite bad enough to visit the emergency room, but at the same time I am really worried something bad is going on.

I could list all my problems but this post is probably long enough already. If I make a list of all my problems and take them to the doctors, I just know they wont take it seriously, how can I begin to sort all of this mess out? Really , really am at a low point right now, I can't see any future, yet I have so much to look forward to.

25-07-13, 10:47
I'm the same, but yesterday I went to a doctor I know and trust, with a lonnnnnnng list of things I wanted to have checked out. Every little ache, twitch, lump, etc. We also did blood tests.

Get a good checkup! :D It will give you peace of mind.

25-07-13, 22:20
Thank you for your response. I just don't see my doctor taking me seriously if I do this. He must have seen the look of desperation on my face at times, but still sent me away with pain killers. Okay eventually I have been given tests, and referred, but I have had to keep going back again and again and again. Yes I know we are meant to trust our doctors, and I really want to, but at times I feel like I am being fobbed off, because I am going so often they think I am time wasting.

I am going to list the problems that I have had, how long I have had them, and what action has been taken, if anyone has any advice on what to do I would appreciate it. I feel like I should just go to the emergency room, but then I think that these people are there for actual emergencies, and I really don't want to waste any ones time, I just want some help. If it is Health Anxiety then I can work on that, but there are so many things left not cleared up in my opinion.

For 3 months +

* Chest Pain, only mild at worst slightly uncomfortable, but I have them every day, and there seems to be no trigger as far as I can tell, exercise doesn't seem to make it worse or better. Sometimes it is like someone stabbed me with a hot poker, sometimes it feels like a butterfly type thing, like your heart skips a beat. It is mostly on the right side though, although it can appear on the left. Usually below the breast bone, occasionally on the left side it is above the breast bone.

Action taken by Doctor.

Pain killers (didn't touch it)
Acid reflux medication 150mg ranitidine. Didn't seem to have any positive effect.
More Pain Killers (stronger) Didn't work.

Then I had an ECG. I was never given actual results. When I left the ECG test, the nurse said in a worried voice "You don't have any chest pain now do you Mark" I said no as I didn't at the time. I took results to doctors, the receptionist showed them doctor and said it was fine. So I was happy with that, if a little confused.

Chest X-Ray, 3 weeks ago now, results still not back, not sure if that is good or bad. Chest pains still on going.

Mouth problems

* Sores in corner of mouth, which also lead into the inside of mouth, with slight white patches. Dentist has seen these and in his words said " They are nothing" Not really sure that is a good enough answer to be honest, they are quite sore at times.

* Lumps on tongue, same colour as tongue, they look like raised taste buds, but they are quite large, as big as a pea almost I'd say, on both sides towards the back of tongue, they can be really painful. Again the dentist didn't seem at all concerned by them.

* Lump on tongue, which is where I bit it a few years ago, Doctor told me to see dentist urgently (this worried me) Dentist said it doesn't look anything sinister, but I will refer you as non urgent. (App with Oral surgeon on 5th of August) Scared to death, but can't wait at the same time.

* Also have a really burning mouth at times, especially my tongue.

Am seeing the oral surgeon so am hoping he can clear some of this up, but as I have been referred for the lump on tongue, am hoping he takes a good look at my whole mouth.

For 1 month +

Feeling like something is trapped in throat, doesn't hurt to eat or drink, but I get shooting pains in throat at times. Sometimes feels like there is a butterfly in my throat moving around.

Pains in my jaw, face, and ears, and behind my ears (this worries me regarding oral cancer) amongst other things.

Pains in kidney area. These aren't frequent at all, maybe once a day, sometimes every other day. Can be quite painful when it happens though.

1 Week+

Shooting pain in testicle area, has probably happened 6 or 7 times max, not a major concern, but it is still happening.

My concern is none of these things are cleared up, okay there has been some action taken eventually to attempt to get to the bottom of it all, but these are a lot of symptoms to be having for an extended period. I really don't know where to begin. I have honestly convinced myself I am dying, and have started writing things down for my kids to read when they are older, convinced I am not going to be around for them.

Can this really all be Health Anxiety? I admit most of this began after the doctor looked so horrified when he saw the lump on my tongue, this is a doctor that usually can't be bothered to get out of his chair and usually prescribes pain killers, so I have no doubt I could be suffering from HA, but I just don't know where to begin or what to do.

Thanks for reading such a long post.



Doctor gave me more strong painkillers for throat and face pain, and some steroid nasal spray. Hasn't touched any of it so far (a week)

25-07-13, 23:04
I've had all sorts of weird symptoms over the past few months that doctors tell me is "just anxiety" and give me sideways glances about. I've since discovered that I have a candida and bacterial overgrowth in my gut which causes heaps of horrible symptoms. Doctors don't acknowledge that this is a problem (science around it is still in its infancy) but alternative practitioners know how to help with this stuff. I used to be really sceptical about alternative medicine, but where do you go when the doctors won't listen? My doctor actually referred to me to a naturopath she said could help with this stuff and I'm finally being taken seriously and treated. It means you have make a lot of changes to your diet and it will take some time, but I think if you see a reputable alternative therapist you will get some relief. You just need to sort out the quacks from the people who really do know what they're doing. Ask them if htey have experience with treating candida and bacterial overgrowths in the gut - this is where I believe a lot of our problems come from.

26-07-13, 18:51
Went to doctors again today. Chest x-ray came back clear (good news) He put me on a mild dose of antidepressants, he also now thinks I am suffering anxiety. I am slightly concerned his unwillingness to listen about my syptoms, especially my throat. Hey I will give it a go though.

So far I have had an ECG, Chest X-Ray, Blood test and have all been okay (other than finding I have type 2 diabetes) which is obviously serious but still in a state where I can take care of it with my diet.

So I guess I have to face that this really could all be anxiety, maybe once I have seen the oral surgeon that will give me more peace of mind, as I really put it all back to the day I went to the doctors about my mouth. Still finding it difficult to believe all this physical pain is caused by stress and anxiety, but will give the tablets a go anyway.