View Full Version : Hi All :)

25-07-13, 11:22
Hi All, my name is Krystyna and I'm 28. I have had depression in the past, but at the moment I have a panic disorder. I had a bad panic attack in work. I thought I was having a heart attack. Since then I have been terrified that I'm dying. I had 2 months off work, did some Cbt and was on 50mg sertraline. I did start to feel a lot better and returned to work. Unfortunately I have had more panic attacks since returning and after a visit to the doctors my sertraline has been increased to 100mg. I have been taking the 100mg for three days and I'm feeling really dizzy which is making me feel so anxious. I'm hoping that by talking to people with similar problems that I will learn I am not alone and will hopefully stop thinking every physical symptom I have is a sign of me dying

25-07-13, 11:47
Hi there Krystyna!

I`m also new here, and I have to say that I feel a lot better knowing that I can take things off my chest.

Take care and good luck! :)

25-07-13, 13:11

25-07-13, 20:20
Welcome to the forums Krystyna. I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :) Hopefully the increased sertraline will begin to settle soon and you'll feel calmer.

25-07-13, 22:34
hi im new to anxiety to hope we can share our experience to stay strong :)

25-07-13, 23:46
Hi and :welcome: you've come to the right place

26-07-13, 16:27
Thanks all for the welcome :) The forums are already helping as I can see that I am not alone in what I am thinking/feeling.