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25-07-13, 11:33
Hi all,
I've had that letter which, thankfully, I've not had to wait too long for. I rang the number and asked for an appointment but I'm not wholly positive about the therapy this service provides as it mentions that they are a talking therapy service and I've read that talk therapy can worsen OCD. The website doesn't go into an awful lot but it talks more about stress management and low moods because of health problems than treatment for OCD.

To be honest, the great people of NMP and my wonderful husband are definitely getting me on the path to recovery already. My husband has been reading a lot into OCD and has pledged that if he can find any advice and guidance on how to help me overcome this, he will. I think my family mean well too but my Mum (who says "OCDs" and I find that so cute, bless her) thinks OCD involves common physical compulsions like handwashing and told me that I haven't got that, I'm just stressed. I think my OCD came as a result of stress, but I knew from Google before I even saw the doctor what I was up against. Unfortunately, it's down to the psychologist to diagnose it properly and I'm not sure whether the team I'm about to meet with actually can. If not though, I'll guess they'll refer me on to someone else.

Well.. Here's hope for tomorrow folks! I guess for now it's just back to the chores for me!

Best wishes

MrsS x

25-07-13, 13:26
That's great news! I was supposed to be going to the first of 4 'stress control sessions' today but I've just realised I am going to be away for 2 of them so I'm waiting to hear if I can join a different group!

25-07-13, 15:42
I think stress and anger got me here in the first place. There's a lot of things I've battled with over the years and some acceptance and perspective will do me good. I'm on my own for most of 5 days of the week, so maybe there's something I can take away from it. I've got Imp of the Mind and Brain Lock on my Ipod, they've helped a bit, but it's the pent up anger that's the problem. It's hard to recall the CBT techniques when I just feel frustrated!

MrsS x

25-07-13, 19:14
Good luck tomorrow xxx

I agree, stress and anger causes these awful intrusive thoughts. I have been through so much hurt, stress and I hold anger towards my family. Having that anger is what causes me to think these what if thoughts.

25-07-13, 20:45
Hello MrsStrobe. I am really pleased you have had this referral. It is true that therapy can perhaps make current problems worse, but the reason for that is because you will be exploring things that can make you feel uncomfortable. But that's because you'll be thinking about stuff and making realisations about what lies behind your issues. This isn't easy but it is worthwhile in my experience.
It's in challenging your reactions and safety behaviours that you begin to combat unhelpful behaviours and then gradually improve.
I have found both therapy and more recently counselling invaluable to me. What will happen is that you will spot the stress, anger and emotions sooner and nip it in the bud. It does take alot of practice. You need to persevere.
There will be moments when you forget the new techniques to you have learned. After plenty of practice and success, even i still can go blank. My old habits start to kick in. But what happens is .... Even tho I might not deal with a situation as well as I sometimes do, I can have a kind of de-brief with myself. I run through what happened. Often I can think of better ways to have reacted. Also things I could have said or done to be more assertive perhaps. The outcome might not have been as positive as I had hoped for but I don't take it as a sign I'm failing, moreso, I reflect on it so that if the situation is repeated I am better able to cope.
I really wish you well with this and look forward to hearing how you get on,