View Full Version : Hello Everyone

25-07-13, 11:48
Hey Hey,

I am greeting you all on this foggy but nevetheless beautiful afternoon, hoping that everyone is doing well while looking with excitement towards the weekend. My name's Allister, I greatly enjoy talking to people and sharing my experiene in order to help them look at their situations from several angles. Having had the depressibe moments myself, I feel now capable to understand how periods of anxiety or depression can narrow our focuses to a rather narrow perspective which can be debilitating and destructive to our creative potential - the World is full of wonders that we can explore as long as we have guides, acquinantances like those that helped me overcome my times of confusion and worry. So yeah, I am here to talk and enjoy the healing power of communication!

25-07-13, 13:10

28-07-13, 15:47
hello how are you. im still plodding on with side effects :huh:

28-07-13, 17:20
:welcome:We are all here to help
