View Full Version : fear of brain tumour

25-07-13, 12:39
hi all im new to this site but here goes x I have suffered with anxiety and health anxiety for about 7 years on and off x these last few months have been a nightmare x in Feb. this year I had fears I had a brain tumour as I kept goggling symptom's x went to the doctors to be told it was sinus , also had my eyes checked and all was fine so had no more panic and got on with life x I had an ectopic pregnancy back in may and since then my health anxiety has been through the roof the brain tumour fear has came back worse then ever x :weep: I started to think I was forgetting things and the more I googled the more symptoms I was having x I read that if you could smell burnt toast and things that are not here its a sign x so what happened to me the next morning I could smell burnt toast !!!! spoke to my doctor who said it is all HA x and put me on tablets x but the thing that is doing me in now is I keep thinking I can smell things that are not there x I no this is my doing as I read it and now it is fixed in my brain x it feels like I can smell more then I have ever done before x does anyone else have this sense of smell problem x :blush:

25-07-13, 13:06
Yes, a lot of people here have the smells!!

25-07-13, 13:39
Yes!! I have massive brain tumour fear and I sometimes smell smoke like chimney type smoke.

25-07-13, 13:46
It just drives me round the bend x never had it before x I know it's my own fault for googling as soon as I see a symptom I will get it x the doctor told me it was my HA but you still wonder x