View Full Version : having a panic attack now

25-07-13, 13:44
Hi I am new on here but I am having a panic attack right now and its really freaking me out I just really need to take my mind of it please help thanx x:huh:

25-07-13, 13:47
Try this:


25-07-13, 14:09
I am right there with you, just try to focus on your breathing and reassurance that you are going to be just fine nothing is going to hurt you and it's this vicious feeling that will go away with time. WE ARE OK. I have felt this way before and have made it to the other side, do you have any medication to help calm you? I just took an ativan and can actually relax now :hugs:

25-07-13, 14:49
No I haven't got any medication but I think that I think that I should go to gp I can't believe its lasting this long its the shaking and the chest pain that's freakin me out but I am breathing better so that's a gud sign thanx for the support its just so scary x

25-07-13, 14:55
Try to tell yourself that everything is OK Kim. This is just a nasty thing that will pass with time. If you are indeed worried about the chest pain then a visit to your Doctor would be advisable, just to put your mind at ease that everything is fine :)

27-07-13, 04:15
I learnt this from the Buddhists. Take a walk. Focus your eyes on the ground 2 or 3 yards in front of you and just watch it slip past you. I always do this when i have gone past the point of rational thinking.
Sometimes something physically exhausting(avoid violence) will do the trick.