View Full Version : need help

25-07-13, 14:20
hi i know know one on here is a doc but just need some advice please. ihave a fear of taking any kind of meds since i developed anxiety 7yrs ago and to day i took a parasitomol a hour ago becauise i had a headache used to take them all the time but because i havent took any for many yrs im starting to panic now incase i get a alergic reation to it, can you get an alergic reaction if you havent took them for a long time . and does allergic reation work that way some havice pls if you can to but my mind at rest

25-07-13, 14:26
If you were going to get an allergic reaction it would be almost instant so after an hour you are fine.

25-07-13, 16:33
Ahh tricia,

Nics right. You should be fine now, I worry/fear taking meds also. It's awful. So taking meds to calm me have the opposite effect, so I don't bother.

Just to add - although we are not here to give advice to replace a professional doctor, youd be suprised at some peoples occupations on here.


25-07-13, 21:24
hi tricia - same problem with me but i agree with nicola, if you had an allergic reaction it would have happened by now (tho not a doctor myself)