View Full Version : So much going on in my life!!

25-07-13, 14:57
Hi all!

I know these happenings may seem quite minor to what a lot of people have to deal with, but I am really struggling right now. I'm sorry it may be a rant!!

My anxiety got worse about two months ago, when my fiancée's sister came to stay with us from Italy. (He is from an Italian family). She is only 16, and at first, it was lovely, but just a little bit awkward having her here... Perils of one bed flat! Privacy is impossible, and as she has got more comfortable, she has started to be so cheeky, and can make me feel very uncomfortable in my own home, especially as I must be alone with her a lot while OH is at work. My anxiety worsened and I have heard her make comments to her brother like, 'Why do you live with such a bitch, I hate it here, all she does is sleep...' etc etc. I am too nervous to confront her, and don't want the extra stress! (I do have a nap every day though :whistles: ... I work shifts hahaha).

Anyway, it was initially one month she was staying, and then miraculously it was two, me and other half started to argue as she was incredibly rude to my sister who came to visit. I've trudged on, (all the while quitting smoking cold turkey!:yesyes:) and I'm nearly there, just 1 week 3 days until I have my life back!!

The only problem is, I had planned to take some time off work after she had left, just to get my house back in order and try to reduce my stress and anxiety and get back to normal. However, it now transpired I have a new job that I need to start in just over a week, which I am super anxious about :scared15:, and will have no time off. Add to that I'm moving house in a month and desperately need to save money, as the rent is higher.

I just feel so overwhelmed with everything I need to do, and I'm feeling the strain financially too!

Anyone have some ideas how I can relax a bit and try to reduce new job/house move anxiety?? I'm feeling exhausted and delicate. :weep:

Thanks everyone <3

25-07-13, 16:28
Hi, you need the support of your partner on this one, as it seems your partners sisters still with you?

Also financially and For your own sanity and the move coming up, your first port of call & to off load some of this , you really need to let your partner take some of this stress/ issues on board.

These are not just your issues.

Take care