View Full Version : Heart Attack or Panic Attack?

25-07-13, 15:31
I took Kalms and I think they are mixing with my medication. Ever since I was told there might be a possible interaction, I have numbness in my face, a pain down my arm, sweating and hard to breathe. Do you think that it's panic or a severe heart attack coming on from the Kalms? Would it be safe to take a sedative or would my heart stop altogether. I'm seconds away from calling my partner at work and then an ambulance.

25-07-13, 15:35
You did not think they were mixing with the medication until a member suggested it though?

You are panicking not having a heart attack

25-07-13, 15:39
Oh Nic I'm in a mess. I had to take a Zimovane to relax. No more Kalms for me.

25-07-13, 16:14
Hi Edward :D:D

If that list on the bottom is what you are on...

Ohhhh PLEASE DON'T take, any other meds, not even herbal, unless you get advice from a doctor or pharmacist. This advice would go to ANYONE who is on any type of medication.

When we are acute there are little things we can do to help us keep some control and one of them is our meds, knowing what they are, how they work and what other things we can take with them, if we don't know or are unsure, then WE ask a professional.

Take care:hugs:


25-07-13, 16:20
Oh Jill,

I had the phone in my hand to dial 999 I was so bad. I took a Zimovane so I'm calm again. In future I will ask the Pharmacist about herbal remedies and if they interact with the medication I am on. Yes, those are my Diagnoses and my meds on the bottom.

25-07-13, 16:36
Hugs Edward!!!!!!! :hugs:

How are you feeling now? I hope you're ok... :( Am sorry...

25-07-13, 17:11
All better thanks Ally :bighug1:

26-07-13, 00:50
I took Kalms and I think they are mixing with my medication. Ever since I was told there might be a possible interaction, I have numbness in my face, a pain down my arm, sweating and hard to breathe. Do you think that it's panic or a severe heart attack coming on from the Kalms? Would it be safe to take a sedative or would my heart stop altogether. I'm seconds away from calling my partner at work and then an ambulance.

If it's anything to go by your signature, then I can tell you if you're taking oral tablets it is those tablets which are causing you these problems you should be closely monitored, and seen by a cardiologist in my opinion and tell them you're taking these medicines. I know for 100% that some of those medicines are creating a bad interaction and can cause exactly what you're describing, with the heart rhythm. Some of those medications are altering your drug metabolism. Frankly, I don't think any competent Dr would put you on these drugs due to the serious risks to the heart, so if you're taking these recreational, I seriously advice you to stop.

26-07-13, 01:52
If it's anything to go by your signature, then I can tell you if you're taking oral tablets it is those tablets which are causing you these problems you should be closely monitored, and seen by a cardiologist in my opinion and tell them you're taking these medicines. I know for 100% that some of those medicines are creating a bad interaction and can cause exactly what you're describing, with the heart rhythm. Some of those medications are altering your drug metabolism. Frankly, I don't think any competent Dr would put you on these drugs due to the serious risks to the heart, so if you're taking these recreational, I seriously advice you to stop.

And as I've said before, we do not give medical advice here, nor should anyone stop taking medication without speaking to their doctor.


26-07-13, 09:00
And as I've said before, we do not give medical advice here, nor should anyone stop taking medication without speaking to their doctor.


Did I tell him to stop taking prescribed medication? I told him to stop taking them if he is taking them illegally i.e. recreationally. Please, try to actually read my post before you keep making redundant posts, addressing something I never stated, it only serves to elucidate your poor reading comprehension.

26-07-13, 09:25
Pipkin is one of our very respected admins on here. One of his jobs is to make sure that nobody's panic is inadvertently made worse. I am sure you would agree how important that is.

26-07-13, 09:34
Did I tell him to stop taking prescribed medication? I told him to stop taking them if he is taking them illegally i.e. recreationally. Please, try to actually read my post before you keep making redundant posts, addressing something I never stated, it only serves to elucidate your poor reading comprehension.

Don't worry, I read your post carefully and fully understand what you are saying. I stand by what I said that no one should suddenly stop taking these types of medication without their GP's advice, regardless of why they are being taken. For example, there are people who have taken codeine recreationally for years without their GP's knowledge but I wouldn't suggest they stop suddenly without discussing it with their GP due to the potential opiate withdrawal symptoms. It is not our place advise people to take such action though I can certainly see your point regarding what looks like a long list of medication which can interact.

Edward - are you on all this medication at the moment or is this a list of previous meds as well?


26-07-13, 13:05
Don't worry, I read your post carefully and fully understand what you are saying. I stand by what I said that no one should suddenly stop taking these types of medication without their GP's advice, regardless of why they are being taken. For example, there are people who have taken codeine recreationally for years without their GP's knowledge but I wouldn't suggest they stop suddenly without discussing it with their GP due to the potential opiate withdrawal symptoms. It is not our place advise people to take such action though I can certainly see your point regarding what looks like a long list of medication which can interact.

Edward - are you on all this medication at the moment or is this a list of previous meds as well?


Pip - First I would like to state that I am highly insulted. These are my current medications and I am not taking them illegally. Jesus, you post a topic about having an attack and that's what you get. Taking them recreationally, how dare that poster?:lac:

As for the Codeine. Last December I fell and punctured my lung and broke my pelvis so I am on them for the pain. Not that I need to justify it to anyone. I need the painkillers. What am I supposed to do? Stay in pain?

As for no Doctor putting me on those drugs, I can assure you that my Psychiatrist has indeed prescribed these to me so please ask in future and not assume that I am abusing prescription drugs, thank you.

26-07-13, 13:45

My point in response to the previous poster was not to suggest stopping these types of meds, regardless of whether they're prescribed or not, without consulting a doctor. I used codeine as an example but I wasn't referring to you - it was an example to make a point. I automatically presumed that your meds were all prescribed as I know your current situation and that you're being treated for your recently-diagnosed BPD.

To get back to your original post, are you feeling better? As with all medication, it's best to check with your doctor before taking anything new, such as Kalms, even if they are available over the counter.


26-07-13, 13:59

My point in response to the previous poster was not to suggest stopping these types of meds, regardless of whether they're prescribed or not, without consulting a doctor. I used codeine as an example but I wasn't referring to you - it was an example to make a point. I automatically presumed that your meds were all prescribed as I know your current situation and that you're being treated for your recently-diagnosed BPD.

To get back to your original post, are you feeling better? As with all medication, it's best to check with your doctor before taking anything new, such as Kalms, even if they are available over the counter.


I'm terrible sorry if it sounded that I was angry at you Pip, because I wasn't and I am not. My meds are all prescribed by my Psychiatrist because of the recently diagnosed BPD. I DO NOT take anything illegal :)

I'm feeling better today thanks Pip. I didn't touch Kalms again after the fright I got yesterday. I honestly thought it was a severe heart attack coming on due to the mix of meds I take. Feeling good today though Pip and very positive for once. Thank you :hugs:

PS: D K-Boss has no right.:lac:

27-07-13, 14:10
I'm terrible sorry if it sounded that I was angry at you Pip, because I wasn't and I am not. My meds are all prescribed by my Psychiatrist because of the recently diagnosed BPD. I DO NOT take anything illegal :)

I'm feeling better today thanks Pip. I didn't touch Kalms again after the fright I got yesterday. I honestly thought it was a severe heart attack coming on due to the mix of meds I take. Feeling good today though Pip and very positive for once. Thank you :hugs:

PS: D K-Boss has no right.:lac:

Can I suggest you maybe get a second opinion about your medication? Because, as I said before I can tell you 100% that those medications do cause an interaction, especially irregular heartbeat, and they cause a very dangerous interaction, which requires very close monitoring by a trained physician.

P.S, I wasn't trying to insult you, there are actually people out there who do abuse these drugs for recreational purposes.

---------- Post added at 14:10 ---------- Previous post was at 14:06 ----------

Pipkin is one of our very respected admins on here. One of his jobs is to make sure that nobody's panic is inadvertently made worse. I am sure you would agree how important that is.

I've never suffered from panic disorder, I do understand how one has to be helpful. But sometimes you have to be honest to them and tell them what is going on. Because it can cause serious implications. These are very powerful drugs and one has to always be on the side of extreme caution when mixing them together. This is why I suggest Edward get a second opinion from someone who has the credentials to understand the interactions of the medications he is taking. But that is entirely up to Edward.

27-07-13, 18:05
Can I suggest you maybe get a second opinion about your medication? Because, as I said before I can tell you 100% that those medications do cause an interaction, especially irregular heartbeat, and they cause a very dangerous interaction, which requires very close monitoring by a trained physician.

P.S, I wasn't trying to insult you, there are actually people out there who do abuse these drugs for recreational purposes.

---------- Post added at 14:10 ---------- Previous post was at 14:06 ----------

I've never suffered from panic disorder, I do understand how one has to be helpful. But sometimes you have to be honest to them and tell them what is going on. Because it can cause serious implications. These are very powerful drugs and one has to always be on the side of extreme caution when mixing them together. This is why I suggest Edward get a second opinion from someone who has the credentials to understand the interactions of the medications he is taking. But that is entirely up to Edward.

I have full trust in my Psychiatrist I can assure you. I spoke to my pharmacist Johnny today and he reassured me that my medication is fine. I would rather this topic be about my panic attack yesterday instead of illegal medication. I had to go to D-Doc out of hours emergency surgery today because my partner honestly thought I was having a heart attack. I am now on Lexotan (Bromazapam) due to panic attacks caused by your messing with my thoughts. I didn't take any medication today even though Johnny assured me that it is fine. I'm sedated and calm now, but I want to tell you that you caused me a lot of stress. Thank you very much.

27-07-13, 18:17
I have full trust in my Psychiatrist I can assure you. I spoke to my pharmacist Johnny today and he reassured me that my medication is fine. I would rather this topic be about my panic attack yesterday instead of illegal medication. I had to go to D-Doc out of hours emergency surgery today because my partner honestly thought I was having a heart attack. I am now on Lexotan (Bromazapam) due to panic attacks caused by your messing with my thoughts. I didn't take any medication today even though Johnny assured me that it is fine. I'm sedated and calm now, but I want to tell you that you caused me a lot of stress. Thank you very much.

Sorry to hear that Edward, I do apologize. As long as your being looked after, that is great to read about. :bighug1: I hope your panic attacks ease up, I know they can be distressing. And do take the advice of your psychiatrist they know better then me. I don't know about your personal history. And I was just making some unqualified comments. You shouldn't worry about it. You'll be fine. Take care friend.