View Full Version : My whole life falling apart :-(

25-07-13, 15:50
My whole life feels like its falling apart. From the moment I wake I'm panicky and anxious till I go to bed. I'm at my whits end dunno what to do nomore. I'm seeing my doctor at 5.10pm. Just don't see anyway forward x

25-07-13, 16:12
:hugs: Many of us feel the same.

Before I wake up, I'm already scared - of what, I dunno! I'm tired of it too - started my meds today. :) xx

---------- Post added at 17:12 ---------- Previous post was at 17:07 ----------

Forgot - good luck for the doc! :D

25-07-13, 16:15
Hayley, going to the doctors is the first step forward, let us know how you get on. its horrible feeling i know, but it will get better, sadly just takes time. Big (((Hugs))) hope it went well x

25-07-13, 16:22
Trust me that it gets better!!! I'm just recovering from 2 MASSIVE attacks I just had little over an hour ago, I was given ativan to take when it's intense like theft and I feel so much better. It's all about responding with positive thinking not negative. Don't say "what if this kills me" say "I know this if scary and uncomfortable but I can let it take its course and come out the other side ok". Its all about responding to the situation with positive affirmations, after all your body isn't skiing anything but what it's suppose to during fight or flight, "panic is an overexaggerated reaction to fear ore excitement" I promise it gets better:hugs:

---------- Post added at 08:22 ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 ----------

Good lord. "intense like theft" actually kinda fits lol but my body doesn't ski LOL:doh:

25-07-13, 16:29
LOL BessieMae! :roflmao:

25-07-13, 18:38
Thanks for the messages the doctors keeping on 20mg citalopram and starting me on vanlafaxine aswell and than gradually coming of the citalopram. I'm also on 10mg olanzapine. It's soo hard isn't it just want my life back :-( xx

25-07-13, 19:15
You will get your life back Hayley, you just have to try to stay as positive as you can and know that you will get well again. Hopefully the new meds will work better for you :hugs:

25-07-13, 21:02
Hello again Hayley. I recall a while back you had tried CBT and mentioned som therapy. I wondered if you were referred for the therapy at all ? Did you keep notes or anything in relation to CBT?
One of the first things I do when I begin to feel bad is to re-read the helpful things I learned in CBT and therapy. I don't just mean the techniques you might use in a stressful situation. I mean picking up a book, a leaflet, handout,whatever it is you have to refer to (notes perhaps) and to allow your mind simply to process the information.
To read the philosophy behind how it works. To remind yourself of what might be behind how you feel. You don't have to put everything right in that instant. But reading up can in itself be calming. It helps you remember things you did learn and at the same time it is occupying your mind and stopping you thinking negatively. The more you read, the better the understanding you have of what is happening in your mind right now. It empowers you in doing this. I'm speaking from experience here. It really does help.
I found it very reassuring indeed to refer back to the information I had from my therapy (it included CBT). Over the years since I had the treatment, I have continued to read up. I am talking a long time here.... 10 years in fact. To top up my skills. It's an ongoing thing.
Even if you feel bad right now, you haven't unlearned or forgotten what you might have learned. The info is still there in your mind, but at the moment, stress, anxiety etc is getting in the way..you ask anyone here.... It isn't ever easy to think clearly when stressed.
Let me know if you have any info to read up on, if not in am certain I can find you links to sites that will really help you.
Whilst everything feels so bad for you.... I really feel you can turn things round, I don't expect that to sound very realistic right now but that's because you are in a negative cycle, it's finding things that will put the brakes on that spin, stop your world turning so fast that you cant get a grip on everything happening. but once you are able to help slow down the workings if your mind, to calm yourself and your fears.....once you do that, things will calm a little, you will then be able to re-take some control in your life.
Keep things simple. Little steps. Little tasks. One thing at a time. Be calm my friend we are thinking of you. Things will get better in time, stay in touch, x