View Full Version : Had a dream about a specific date

25-07-13, 16:37
Hello guys, I'll begin by saying I have very bad brain tumour anxiety. My symptoms lead me to believe that is what it is. I've been to two doctors about it and they've all said it's anxiety. I started therapy two weeks ago, and I think it's helping. :)

So, my dream was that my friends were all sitting around a table and saying the world is ending August 17th. Now, I don't believe that the world is ending, but I've made myself believe that this is a sign, meaning something bad will happen that day, and I'm so scared I will die on that day. :( Anyone have some advice? I would really appreciate it

25-07-13, 17:24
Hi hun :D

Its good to hear the therapy it helping a little, :yesyes:

I have had many many strange, weird, wonderful and dame right scary dreams:WTF:

Anxiety is a pain in the but, isn't it? I tend to call it Mrs anxiety to give anxiety a little respect because she was dame clever at frighting the life out of me.

There is no scientific FACT that dreams mean anything, dreams are our own imagination and with you Mrs anxiety has jumped in put 2 and 2 together and come up with 5

You said it yourself hun....

**but I've made myself believe that this is a sign, meaning something bad will happen that day, and I'm so scared I will die on that day.***

**but I've made myself**

Hunny please try and use reassuring statements, I know its dame hard for you right now :hugs:but if you work on your reassuring statement and then try and totally distract yourself from this thought patten, it WILL get less and less.

Negative scary thoughts are a symptom of anxiety.

YOU WILL BE just fine hun :hugs: Nothing bad is going to happen