View Full Version : Worried I've got skin cancer :(

25-07-13, 17:49
Hi everyone
My current obsession is skin cancer... Don't know where this has come from all of a sudden?!
I can't stop thinking about it since all this lovely weather we have been having :/
I was sun bathing the other day and since then I noticed a small 2mm light brown spot/mole on my neck it felt smooth but a little raised like an ingrown hair so I used tweezers to pick at it as I was panicing and really wanted it to be an ingrown hair :( I pulled the skin off the top, it didn't bleed and then I assumed it was a small mole or freckle. I felt really stupid for picking at it but haven't been able to stop checking it since :( I can't get on with my life and its making me depressed, it is now red around the rim and looks irritated and slightly sore, I can't help thinking that its something serious as I did (until now) love to sunbathe, meant to be going on holiday soon but I just don't want to go out or be in the sun so lord knows how I'm going to cope :( I don't want to go to the doctors as I'm sick of hassling them and I've only just got over a terrible wait for test results of an abnormal smear which was hell, smear ended up being fine now I've gone from thinking I've got cervical cancer to skin cancer, one thing after the other :( I just want to enjoy life again and I don't know what to do? :( please help x

25-07-13, 18:12
hi you should go on your holiday it may act as a distraction for you, i am guessing you not on meds it may be helpful to go to your dr to talk over your health anxiety, as there is no reason to struggle on without help, so try and see your dr i am sure your mark will be fine just stop picking at it blessings

25-07-13, 18:31
Hi there
No I'm not on any meds :( I'd be too scared to take them tbh... I've got a fear of hospitals and doctors that's why I worry that there's something wrong with me as I wouldn't cope at all if I knew I had to have an operation or go into hospital... All logical thinking seems to go out the window for me. I keep thinking well it will be inflamed because I picked at it but at the same time I worry that it's skin cancer :/ x

25-07-13, 18:40
There's nothing in what you've posted which rings alarm bells about skin cancer.

25-07-13, 18:42
Hiya exact same as me scared of skim cancer at the moment I have a mole on my back about the size of a pencil end mine went bigger when I was pregnant mine also has a reddness around the outside I did go the doctors, my two doctors said it looks fine and doesn't have any cancerous signs in it, my doctor is sending me to a community dermatoligist to ease my mind because I suffer with health anxiety! Picking your mole or prodding can defiantly cause irritation and make the mole red no not touch this mole for 2 weeks and I bet the reddness goes after them two weeks if you still don't like it go to the doctors that is what they are there for xx

25-07-13, 18:56
Thank you so much for your replies, I think the abnormal smear has triggered this... I spent weeks worrying about the results of a colposcopy then when that turned out to be fine I felt over the moon... For a day or two... Now worrying about this! I've spent the last week worrying but at the same time would feel silly going to the doctors about it? Which makes no sense! I'm starting to think that maybe I do need medication or help but I'm too scared... X

25-07-13, 19:48
I am in medication it helps me feel normal well whatever normal is haha mine is triggered after pregnancy my hormones don't settle well I don't get post natal depression I get anxiety with my health not nice feeling xxx

25-07-13, 19:55
Hi Jennifer
Sorry to hear you have this too, how does the medication make you feel if you don't mind me asking? Or if anyone could give me their experiences of how it feels to take medication I'd feel greatly appreciated. I'm just scared it would numb me as a person if that makes sense x

25-07-13, 20:09
Antidepressants affect different people in different ways. You will see some people on here have bad side effects and they can actually make you feel worse before you start to get better. That said, I have been on 2 kinds of ADs over the past 13 years. I can't remember the name of the first but I had no trouble and felt much better really quickly. I also came off them easily when the time came. They weren't SSRI that much I do know. When I had another bad patch 8 years ago I went on paroxetine (seroxat). Again, I had no side effects and felt great really quickly. Neither of these meds has made me feel numb or anything like that. I would say they have given me a better quality of life and I have no regrets. I am still on seroxat at 10mg and sometimes worry that I may be on them for life but for me that's better than suffering with anxiety and panic. I do still get the odd blip but they are short lived and manageable. That's my own personal experience but others will have different views.
Hope that helps.
Sal x

25-07-13, 20:13
That's great advice sal thank you, so do you still have worrying thoughts or do they just disappear on the meds? x

25-07-13, 22:53
Hiya mine make me feel find I don't get a numb feeling I have only been in mine 2 weeks and my anxiety has already eased of a little I just feel normal I still get the odd worry thought now and again but positive thinking goes along way as well! Try and keep busy and distract your self from the negative thoughts easier said than done but it does work, I have a 6 year old and a 5 months old so keeping distracted is a little easier for me but I do find myself checking my mole at every bathroom trip grr! Things will get easier change your thought pattern when you wake up in the morning think of something totally different and when a thought comes in your mind about your health just let it flow through if that makes Sence dont pay attention to it, the more you do the more it will eat away! You will feel better in time exercise is good also or even going on a walk

I hope you feel better soon give medication ago maybe a low dosage may help xxxx

27-07-13, 13:42
Grrr... I picked at it again today as I wanted it to be an ingrown hair but nothing came out so it's a mole :( this is really affecting me now. Do you think I should worry about it? It's light brown with a red rim and its slightly swollen now it wasn't there I don't think until about two weeks ago it looks like a spot, it's about 3mm, how would I know if it were skin cancer? please help :( x

27-07-13, 14:47
Go to the doctors. I know you feel you don't want to but it is the only way to put your mind at rest. Honestly it sounds like a normal mole that you have picked at and made sore. Get it checked out before you go away so you can relax and enjoy your holiday.

27-07-13, 21:25
Hiya mine has a red ring around it it's only my back I didn't pick at it though two doctors said it looks fine but I have got an appointment with a dermatoligist in a weeks time to ease my mind and see how I get on from there if your concerned get it checked out early detection is best it will also ease your mind x

30-07-13, 11:15
Hi everyone
Thank you for your advice :)
Just to let you know I went to the doctors this morning and had a cry! It was really hard trying to explain everything and he said that cbt would help me, he took one look at my mole and said I have nothing to worry about, felt so silly it was embarrassing but I'm glad I've opened up about it and can now hopefully get some help :) thank you for helping me x

30-07-13, 19:15
My worrying thoughts have subsided off them I still get them but not near as many and they seem to disappear rather quickly :)) nope I don't feel numb of mine at all but as the post above said they affect people differently maybe have a chat with your doctor about the different types and then go from there... Hope you feel better quickly xxx

---------- Post added at 19:15 ---------- Previous post was at 19:13 ----------

Just only noticed your post that you have been the doctors good on you :) did he say about meditation at all?? And never feel embarrassed or ashamed its not your daily you cant help how you feel but help is out there