View Full Version : Moved onto new worries now

25-07-13, 19:01
It's so tiring this health anxiety, so I had my scan and was allClear , great I thought I can move on now ;) !! No not the case I now have a very sore ear (actually on the outside I
Of my ear sort of on the bone by my cheek and Into my glands , I can't feel a lump but does feel a little swollen , does this sound like lymphoma? I'm scared to google the symptoms, I do feel a little achy and I've been feeling tired, please can somebody that does know the symptoms tell me if it sounds anything like it
Thanks so much x

25-07-13, 19:16
Join the club Hun! I'm exactly the same! Gone from one worry to the next! I had a lymphoma anxiety a few months ago went to the doctors twice and they said that if it was that then your glands would be huge! Like tennis balls!! Plus I'm sure you wouldn't feel very well generally. Don't worry, mine were slightly enlarged due to a small ear infection which took months to heal, I felt the glands in January and they have only just slightly gone down but I can still feel them, it's normal to feel them x

25-07-13, 19:53
It sounds nothing remotely like lymphoma :)