View Full Version : I dyed and survived!

25-07-13, 21:18
As a few of you may know I have had a fear of dying my hair for 6 months now. I finally did it 2 day's ago and again today (ginger roots darn it! - I bleach my hair, am naturally Blonde but it ALWAYS goes a little ginger). Anyway I survived and feel much better for it, even though I have missed bits out ;-)

25-07-13, 21:22
As a few of you may know I have had a fear of dying my hair for 6 months now. I finally did it 2 day's ago and again today (ginger roots darn it! - I bleach my hair, am naturally Blonde but it ALWAYS goes a little ginger). Anyway I survived and feel much better for it, even though I have missed bits out ;-)

So pleased for you KeeKee. Perhaps the secret is to keep dyeing in now so as not to let the anxiety set in again. I am preparing to try this week as well. xxx

25-07-13, 21:32
Thank you,

I agree. The longer you leave it the worse it will be.
My next 'mini-goal' is to eat a bag of peanuts as I am scared of eating them at the moment too.
Good luck with dyeing your hair. I did an allergy test and convinced myself that even if I was mildly allergic my skin would have become at least a bit itchy, which it never. You will feel so much better once you've done it.

25-07-13, 22:01
well done you a hurdle jumped blessings

25-07-13, 22:02
Get you KeeKee!!! Well done. Isn't it amazing how, after we do these things, our fears turn out to be unfounded? Is it worth writing a note to yourself now, about how positive the experience was for you? I suggest this because when you come to dye your hair next time, if you feel at all apprehensive, you can re-read your note and realise that you'll be ok....

25-07-13, 22:31
Yay!! Great job! I'm terrified of coloring my hair too. Well I did it a few hours ago!! Usually I would use permanent color, however I used semi perm this time. Well as soon as I put it on my scalp was burning, and panic set in. I was messaging my friend, and he helped me through it. In the mean time I thought my lips were tingling, and my mouth started to itch. As soon as I washed it out I was fine! So I think it was in my head!? The power of the mind is incredible. Yet when I have to do it again, it will be the same, me spazzing out lol. Excellent job!!!

I mean the odds of having a severe or deadly reaction are pretty slim right? Yet I say that and it never helps!