View Full Version : wells test for DVT

25-07-13, 21:55
After self diagnosing a DVT because of mild calf pain I headed off to the OOH Gp unit.
I was hoping id be told of course.
.its.not.DVT stop being.silly but she didnt. She said she didn't think it was but she.wants me to do a d-dimer test tommorow morning. Apparently my Wells score is -1 but this doesnt make me feel any better.

My anxiety is sky high atm about this. My leg is much more painful now :( Why do I need a blood.test if she.doesnt think its dvt? What happens if I.suffer a PE through the night. Im so scared, is this wells test.accurate?

25-07-13, 22:00
ok i dont know alot about dvt but they would not have sent you away if there was any risk to your health, so just relax as much as you can and tomorrow you will be checked out again blessings

25-07-13, 22:43
Thankyou. I know deep down it makes sense, but the.anxiety takes over.

The pain is worse, im terrified of having a pulmonary embolism before my d-dimer test, I hate this :(

---------- Post added at 21:43 ---------- Previous post was at 21:20 ----------

I feel so much worse for going, im in a state til tommorow, if I dont die :(

Anxiety Jim
25-07-13, 22:49
If it makes you feel any better my grandfather had a DVT, he had it for a few days before going to the GP, he said it felt like a boiled egg under his skin in his calf. So the GP ordered a d-dimer for the following day, and the results got back to the GP that day, and my grandad had to go to A+E for an injection, then onto warfarin. He had a wait of over 2 hours in A+E, so it's not an emergency thing, with chest pain they send you in straight away etc.

BUT my grandad in 89 years old, the leg it was in had been in plaster for 3 months, because he broke his ankle, as such he was barely moving around the house at all. AND he had it for at least 4 or 5 days before starting any treatment at all.

He said it was painful to put weight on that leg, and felt like an egg / golf ball under his skin.

I get DVT fears a lot myself, but I can't say I've had anything like the feeling of an egg in my calf. I tend to get tight / sharp pains in my calf, and then I panic about it.

The most important thing you should know is that HE'S ABSOLUTELY FINE NOW.

I'm not sure if this post will be as helpful as I intended but, I hope it can help a little.

---------- Post added at 22:49 ---------- Previous post was at 22:47 ----------

Also, I'm pretty sure there's a member on here who's had a DVT and then a PE, and she's fine now too.

26-07-13, 05:04
I wish they'd sent me for a d-dimer when I went to the ER. They just sent me off assuring me it's not DVT. I am quite sure you will be fine and the result will make you feel better. As others have said if they really thought it was a clot they wouldn't have sent you away.

26-07-13, 09:13
Thankyou both, you've helped a lot. A DVT is just one of the many illnesses I've diagnosed myself with over the past month!

Lots of people say you'd definitely know if it was a DVT and I'd feel loads better, then ill read something that says so and so had a pain in their leg, thought nothing of it then a week later dropped down dead of a PE. Then I worry again!

Plus I've had on/off chest pain for a month,.unrelated to leg but my anxiety relates them and I worry more :( everything is a vicious circle!

Anxiety Jim, youre signature makes me laugh and describes me to a tee. For five weeks ive been saying I'll be dead by the end of the week. Im only 22 aswell!

26-07-13, 11:41
Tests are usually to rule things out if the cause is unknown.

26-07-13, 14:57
So I had my d-dimer today, but apparently because the hospital OOH ordered the test and not my Gp surgery they wont tell me the results and she doesn't know if I can get them from the hospital or not, but it will be.about Tuesday.

Its making me panic I could have a positive test and I.wouldnt know because they wont tell me, it might have moved to my lungs by then :(

Anxiety Jim
26-07-13, 15:08
If you do get a positive result they will contact you. With my grandad his GP rang him at 6pm to say it was positive, if it was negative he would have had to wait a few days to find out.

26-07-13, 15:29
Okay.that makes me feel better. She was insisting that tthey wouldn't let me know because it wasn't ordered at their surgery, and that they wouldn't do the test over the weekend x

29-07-13, 20:05
So the doctors had my results back this morning and true to their word they didn't let me know. Now I have to wait til tommorow 2pm for someone to explain my results and I'm total fear.

These chest pains are convinving me that its travelled to my lungs. Another sleepless night :(

Anxiety Jim
29-07-13, 20:56
I really don't think that they'd make you wait a day if it had came back positive, they would have sent you straight to the hospital, like they did with my grandad.

Did they test for other things at the same time? I had to go in to see a doctor about blood test result once, I was terrified, but it just turned out to be low vitamin D levels.

29-07-13, 21:54
Hi there. I have had a DVT myself and trust me, they wouldn't be making you wait this long if it was bad. Blood clots in the calf are less dangerous because it's hard for the clot to pass through the knee (this is what the doctor told me). I had injections in my tummy and then was on warfarin for 9 months. My clot has gone now but I constantly worry about it. Trust me you would truly know. The calf could be more swollen than the other, it maybe hard, and have redness or be hot to the touch. Also it would be painful, particulary while walking.
The blood test they do is very good, I have had them a few times and they have always been proven right. I hope you get the result you want.

30-07-13, 15:49
Hi thankyou for your reply. The pain in my leg that I was intially has now gone (typical) and now the pain has started in my other leg in my knee and up my thigh. This is the leg the dr said was more firm, so obviously I'm worried again now!

I assume a blood test on friday wouldn't cover leg pain that I've.had today. Is it possible to have a.negative d dimer test then develop one a few days later? Or is there a period aftet.where youre safe if you get me?

Sorry for the questions! My fear.of DVT has stemmed from my fear of pulmonary embolism after bad chest.pains

Thanks again.x

---------- Post added at 15:49 ---------- Previous post was at 13:57 ----------

So thankfully my d-dimer was negative. This should obviously make me feel better, and mostly it does. However i'm now getting bad pain in
y other leg when I walk on my knee ans behind it. Im now.worrying a clot has developed.after the test o
Friday. Now im back to sqaure one panic again. Ive.also.found.a purple mark on my forearm.

Goah.my.anxiety really is taking over my life