View Full Version : In a dark place - has anyone got any advice.

25-07-13, 22:59
Hi everyone,

Just want to get everything off my chest because the last month has been very stressful and my anxiety has peaked.

Basically I was diagnosed with cealiac disease in March and was told to stick to a gluton free diet, which I have done. I was told that sticking to a gluton free diet will help all my current symptoms -bloating, gas, constipation etc but it hasn't I still feel ill and it's making me miserable, I'm always bloated, even after a drink. I've told my doctor but she just said it's my bodys way of reacting to the change of diet.

Secondly whenever I eat I get a burning/uncomfortable feeling when I swallow and this is really distressing. My tonsils are big, I've got ear pain, throat pain, mouth ulcers. I just cant think positively about anything. I can only think of the worst possible illness.

I'm also having problems with my partner, it hurts when we have sex. I've been bleeding between periods which is worrying me - my doctor said it's my contraception.

I'm having problems with family which I'm not going into but its causing me to have depression. I'm crying all the time and having bad thoughts about death, either me dying or someone I know dying. I just feel very low right now and just want to talk to someone who understands. Thanks.

25-07-13, 23:51
I'm so sorry you are going through hell. I can't make it better but I can give you a :hugs:.

Gill x

26-07-13, 00:39
A change in diet can affect your body, but if you changed your diet in March it would seem unusual to still be having symptoms now. Sometimes it can the gut a while to repair itself after you start the GF diet, so things may well still calm down. But I think you need some advice in the meantime.

Something seems to be irritating your throat. The ears are close to the ears and pain from the throat can often be felt in the ears.

Do you have any follow-up with the doctor who diagnosed coeliac disease? Or can you try seeing a different GP at your practice? Does your doctor have any alternatve suggestions for contraception? They really shouldn't just leave you suffering without trying to make things better. You're being let down here when you really need some advice.

I'm sorry you're struggling so much due to your family. Sending many hugs, you sound like you need them xxx

26-07-13, 01:15
Thankyou both for your kind words,

I go to the hospital every 3 months for my cealiac disease, I'm still waiting for blood tests to come through. I've got an appointment next week for contraception so might get it changed, I've also got a GP appointment and I'm going to explain everything.

I do think you're right about the sore throat/ears, I get tonsil stones which I think may be what's causing the pain so I'll mention that to my doctor next week.

For some reason I feel a bit better thanks again xx

26-07-13, 07:07
Ah I was going to ask about your tonsils but I thought maybe it was a bee in my bonnet after having probs with mine. That can definitely cause issues. Sortable though. xxx

Rachel W
26-07-13, 07:40
In the mean time, try gargling with salt water if you can. That will help soothe and heal any soreness and then talk to your doctor about it as they may have something that can help. In terms of bleeding between periods, stress can do that also, both physical and emotional.
I don't know much about celiac disease, but the cilia have to heal so as it has only been just above 4 months, then maybe it will take more time, but extra advice may be good too. Can you have things that can help with digestion? Like probiotics, slippery elm, liquorice?

Hope you feel better soon!!!

26-07-13, 07:45
Changing my diet plans abruptly has never been easy for me to do.

26-07-13, 07:57
Tonsil stones are horrible, I get them and they give me a sore throat.
Maybe acid reflux is causing your throat problems.
Not sure about the sex problems, maybe you're getting anxious about it and not fully relaxed? There muscles down there so maybe they're tensing up.
Make you you write a list as you have a couple things there to mention at your visit and you don't want to kick yourself afterwards.

26-07-13, 10:35
I was also told I have acid reflux and an ulcer so yes maybe that's what it is. Yes I can have probiotic but turns out I'm also lactose intollerent so I have to be careful with dairy.

Thanks for your replies, I think because so much is going on at once its making me feel down. Hopefully I'll be reassured by my doctor.

26-07-13, 10:37
I'm sure you will. When I have a few things I always jot them down so I don't have the added anxiety of a) worrying I'll forget something, and b) getting out and realising I did forget something!

26-07-13, 11:54
Hi everyone,

Just want to get everything off my chest because the last month has been very stressful and my anxiety has peaked.

Basically I was diagnosed with cealiac disease in March and was told to stick to a gluton free diet, which I have done. I was told that sticking to a gluton free diet will help all my current symptoms -bloating, gas, constipation etc but it hasn't I still feel ill and it's making me miserable, I'm always bloated, even after a drink. I've told my doctor but she just said it's my bodys way of reacting to the change of diet.

Secondly whenever I eat I get a burning/uncomfortable feeling when I swallow and this is really distressing. My tonsils are big, I've got ear pain, throat pain, mouth ulcers. I just cant think positively about anything. I can only think of the worst possible illness.

I'm also having problems with my partner, it hurts when we have sex. I've been bleeding between periods which is worrying me - my doctor said it's my contraception.

I'm having problems with family which I'm not going into but its causing me to have depression. I'm crying all the time and having bad thoughts about death, either me dying or someone I know dying. I just feel very low right now and just want to talk to someone who understands. Thanks.
A few points here: Firstly be sure what you eat is in fact free of gluten. Food manufacturers, for some reason I will never understand, love adding wheat to food. Wheat proteins cause symptoms in many people, but coeliac disease makes you very sensitive as there is an immune response. Also remember that when you change diets, the lumenal cells are being replaced over weeks and months by cells which are more specific to the new diet.
From your other symptoms, it sounds like a throat infection. The pain on intercourse could well be due to the contraception - it can also be caused by non-specific inflammation, a minor infection or indeed stress and anxiety (which rears it's ugly head in so many ways).