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26-07-13, 00:06
Does anyone else have this problem, I find that I can't have a soak in the bath without having my anxiety symptoms creep up on me! I feel ok, have a good hour to spare and decide that a nice relaxing bath is in order. I lay there for about 10 minutes soaking away and BAM!! start to feel light headed, thoughts start to race, shaky and so on. I have to jump straight out, I've tried just laying there and letting the feelings be but I just can't cope with it, it comes on that quick and strong. I've even stopped taking baths because I don't want to risk it happening! DON'T WORRY, I DO HAVE A SHOWER !!:roflmao:. if anybody else has had this, HELP! Just wanna have a good soak.:weep:

26-07-13, 00:16
Does anyone else have this problem, I find that I can't have a soak in the bath without having my anxiety symptoms creep up on me! I feel ok, have a good hour to spare and decide that a nice relaxing bath is in order. I lay there for about 10 minutes soaking away and BAM!! start to feel light headed, thoughts start to race, shaky and so on. I have to jump straight out, I've tried just laying there and letting the feelings be but I just can't cope with it, it comes on that quick and strong. I've even stopped taking baths because I don't want to risk it happening! DON'T WORRY, I DO HAVE A SHOWER !!:roflmao:. if anybody else has had this, HELP! Just wanna have a good soak.:weep:

I read that facing anxiety causing situations rather then avoiding them is more beneficial in the long run. I don't know how possible this is, but maybe you should try having someone there with you? that might help to calm you down?

26-07-13, 17:36
Thanks, I know what you mean and I have tried but same thing happens every time, its not even as if i can stay in longer and longer each time, its 10 mins and thats it, maybe I should just only have short baths for now and not even worry about having a soak. Maybe if I just concentrate on having a successful short bath without incident then I can try for a soak another time...If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

26-07-13, 18:13
Omg i've had exactly this a few times. Including the 'jumping' out of bath. Maybe you can try putting relaxing oils and fragnances in your bath to help you relax more.

26-07-13, 20:37
My first panic attack was in the bath. Had shampoo in my hair so had to wash it out before I finished my attack and got out haha. I think for me the bath was representative of a coffin and being shut in with my problems. Only had "bum baths" for months after but gradually got to like it again.
I think it would be helpful to fool your fight or flight system by pretending. When you get in, properly do the "relaxing" thing over the top. Give a big AAAAAAAAAHHHHH when you get in and smile. If you start to panic/overthink, smile again, drop your shoulders, have a stretch and a sigh...watch it go down. Worth a try!

27-07-13, 09:09
It can actually be very difficult to accept relaxing our minds and bodies. We become so used to tense muscles and over active thoughts as being the norm that relaxing becomes an unfamiliar sensation. We are so aware of every movement and twitch of our body that when the tension starts to leave it's a different feeling which scares us so we fight it. This is why so many people say that they have tried the relaxation exercises and they can't do it. It is a skill we have to re-learn and takes a lot of practise.
Your need to jump out of the bath is just that you have forgotten how it feels to be relaxed and as soon as it begins to happen it frightens you and you run away from it. Have you got a relaxation CD? No Panic have a good one. Practise, not in the bath - I nod off with mine and I don't want to be responsible for you drowning, become used to the feelings you experience when truly relaxed and then enjoy your soak in the bubbles.

10-08-13, 00:21
Thanks for your replies, some really good suggestions that I will try, I know its only a bath, but I used to have a bath every night and would stay in till the water was almost cold, I really do miss them, haha

Daisy Sue
10-08-13, 01:12
I usually have the radio on in the bathroom with me when I'm having a soak.. it really helps to just let your mind follow what you can hear, instead of your own anxious thoughts. And a nice scented candle in the room adds to the whole thing... just to close your eyes, feel the warm water, smell the perfume, and listen to the music... it works for me :)

10-08-13, 02:22
Maybe a book or magazine to help distract you, lavendar oil is relaxing too, and dont have it too hot, that makes me lightheaded and woozy....good luck, hope you get your soak :)

10-08-13, 08:10
I think anxiety and panic attacks whilst in the bath are quite common, I too get them and only now have showers! I have read lots of people's posts re panics in the bath.

10-08-13, 09:14
I used to suffer from anxiety in the bath until my hubby pointed out to me that the heat from the water would naturally increase my heart rate which in turn would cause a racing heart bringing on anxiety. Try not to avoid having a bath, nice music, TV or a magazine should help you get through the 10 minute mark.

Jackie xx

10-08-13, 16:55
Thanks all, felt a bit silly when I posted this, as I was sure I was just being ridiculous because who in their right minds (besides me) would have a panic attack every time they had a bath !! Comforting to know that others have experienced this as I had convinced myself that I was THAT nutter that only this could happen to. Thanks again everyone :yesyes: