View Full Version : ANGER WORRY. HELP PLS.

14-10-06, 21:00

Sorry not sure really where to post this. So am putting it here. My anger is really hight atm. And it is scaring me cos I'm in no way an angry person. I am normally very placid. The reason my anger is high is this............

Yesterday evening, a girl came to my house. I was out so my daughter who is 15 was on her own. This girl knew this. This girl is from a local gang in our area called 'red riot'. Well she had heard that my daughter was goin to beat her up.... my daughter is many things but she dont do things like that.

This girl came to my home. My daughter opened the door to b greeted by this girl and a huge gang outside my house. The girl entered my house, and banged my daughters head on the living room wall 3 times. Then she left.... My daughter's forehead cheek and nose is bruised and swollen.

When I heard this I just flipped. OMG. The girl, although I can find many names for her atm. called my daughter on her mob. Well let me tell ya I got on that phone and I let rip. I told this girl and her gang to come to my house right there and then. I told her I was gonnna kill her. And do ye know something......... I meant it. I then warned her that if she ever comes near my home never mind enter it or touches my daughter again I will kill her and her so called gang..

The rumour is now that she really beat my daughter and she is gonna do it again. I am so so angry and it is scaring me. Would any of you feel any different. Am I being irrational. I dont think so . This is my baby and that girl entered my home and done this to her. I am on edge as I'm worried wot is gonna happen tonight. My daughter is goin out. I admire her bravery as I know she is scared. But I am so on edge.

I have many emotions. Anger, anx sky high, guilt because I wasn't there to protect her. I took a night med last night as cos of my home situation I can't take them every night so can only take them when I can. I am feeling a bit detached today. I also had that horrible derealisation feelin and I havent had that for so so long. I used to have it everyday for over a year. I just so hope it isnt coming back. Christ that one I really don't need.

As a mother I want to protect my children and I feel I have let her down. I am so so on edge I've already had a diaz but it hasnt worked. It just feels as usual it's one thing after another. again as usual.

Yesterday I made a decision. I will now be receiving extra home help as things are just too much atm. But I decided that I was really gonna do my best and do woteva I have to do to get outa this depression and agrophob. I felt positive. And to a point I still do. But what happened last night has really thrown me.

I worry for all our kids. Things are so dif nowadays. god I must be getting old. They have so so much to deal with these days. It's not easy for them and that also makes it harder for us as parents. We try to do everything we can but it just doesn't seem enuf anymore.

I dont know I'm rambling now I think. So I'll end this now. Just needed to write this down. Anger is an added emotion I really do not need. And like I said it just scares me. But I suppose any parent would feel the same if that had happened to their children.

Thank you for reading.

Take care,


14-10-06, 21:08
Hi Lin,

I think most of us would have reacted the same, a while ago my middle daughter was being bullied at school, and the school would do nothing to help, so I ended up waiting in the playground and confronting the girl myself.

Its a parents instinct to protect their children and we will go to any lengths to do that.

Your anxiety had increased because of the stress of what has happened, try to keep yourself calm, and remember you did what any mother would do in the same situation.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

14-10-06, 21:17
Awww me Lin.

Your not wrong to feel the anger you feel towards the girl and 'the gang' that are terrorising your daughter, and indeed your family home. I dont know if you already have done, but I would suggest you contact the police immediately. You can ask them to handle it in a quiet and relaxed manner if you feel you dont want to make a fuss. You surely realise that what this girl did to your daughter is a SERIOUS criminal offence, and in my opinion, she must be taught a lesson.

As for your feeling of neglect towards your daughter for not being there to protect her, its understandable, but you must realise that you cannot be there all the time for everyone. You have your own life to lead. Its not like you allowed your daughter to roam the streets at 3am........ this travesty happened in your house, your home, a place where you, and your children should be safe.

Please, for the sake of your daughters safety, and your safety, call the police. They can handle matters in a professional manner, and maybe stop you from going to prison.... afterall, if I had children, and someone did that to one of mine, I would certainly lose my temper to the point of uncontrol.

Whatever you decide to do regarding this, just stay as positive as possible, and remember, that even though your daughter was hurt, and is now emotionally effected, she is still safe and well.

Hope you feel better soon hun. You have my number, you can call or txt anytime you like.

Loves you lots Lin

Ross xxxxxxxxxx

Is There Really Gravity, Or Does Earth Just Suck?

14-10-06, 21:39
Aww Lin !!

Im real sorry to hear about your daughter ! I would have reacted axactly the same, i realy feel for you Lin, just when you seem to be getting on top of things something else comes along for you.
Its awful that we worry so much about our kids, and it certainly dosnt help with the anxiety. Its just the same where i live gangs of kids everywhere, my youngest came home last week in tears because she had been set upon by a gang of hooligans and wouldnt go to school the next day. What is this world coming to !

I Know it must be hard for you Lin, but try and stay positive, i hope by you knowing we are thinking of you and sending you a BIG HUG helps Lin, sending a hug for your daughter too !!

Take Care Lin !



14-10-06, 21:42
Awww Lin ((((((hugs))))) how bl**dy scary for you and your daughter. What is the world coming too when you cannot even be safe in your own home.
Anger is a perfectly normal reaction to all this, i have a 15 yr old daughter and i would feel exactly the same. I dont often loose my temper but god help anyone that could do anything like that to my kids.
You are going to feel awful at the moment which is understandable with an experience like that, but hopefully you'll get back on track soon.
You often find something highly stressful happens just when you start to see the light iykwim - calleds sods law i believe.
Don't feel guilty at all you can't be joined at the hip with them at that age.
You are a brilliant mum and a lovely person, take care of yourself. Your reactions are perfectly normal.
love vicki xx

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

14-10-06, 21:58

Thank you all for your replies. I wasnt expecting any.

Trac I'm so sorry that happened to ur daughter. That's exactly how I felt and feel like doing is goin around to that girls house and doin woteva I have to do. But god I dunno where the ***** lives lol. Otherwise id b there. ty so much for your support. xxx

Ross my daughter dont want me to get the police involved as she says it will make matters worse. It's so hard to know wot is the right thing to do in these situations. Thank you hun for all ur support. After speakin to you now I am gonna log it with the police just incase anything else happens. Ty matey. loves ya. xxx and as I said Ross, I want the Ace in the pack now. enuf jokers for me I think. i'm here for ye anytime okies..xx

Andrea me darlin. Again i'm sorry bout ur daughter. As I said its so difficult for all our kids. You're right what is the world coming to. So much nastiness out there. Why? I just don't get it. Thank you so much for you kind words and support as always hun. ye know I'm here for ye anytime. You're doin great and I'm so proud of ye. ty again xxxx

Vicki, You're right, just as I feel things are ok something else comes along. This is the norm for me atm. Which is why i am needing so so much support at home now. I just so damn fed up with the **** one thing after another. All my situations at home are real. not from depression or anx totally real. And my docs and support worker sees this now. Which is why i am needing more support at home. ty so much vicki for your lovely words. your a good un. loves ya xxx

Thank you. I needed to hear this. My reaction is normal. which i knew it was. But I do not like anger. I have had enuf of that with my ex which is what finished our relationship in the end. I love my children with all my heart and i will do anything for them even kill. It's just scarey. Thanks for your support and all ur lovely words. much appreciated.


Take care,


14-10-06, 22:24

You're a good mommy. I would feel the same way, when it comes to my children I turn into a Mama Bear do not mess with my babies! I am so sorry that you just can't seem to catch a break.

As I've said before the sun will eventually shine for people like us. I just hope the sun comes out soon for you.

"Be The Change You Want To See In The World"...

Take Care of You,


14-10-06, 22:44
Aww Tina that is so so kind of ya. Thank you so much. I'm def a mama bear for sure. I think if the girl hadnt hav entered my home and had a gang with her i would be angry but not as angry.

I'm gonnna keep lookn for the sun, altho thats a trigger for my ptsd but i know wot ye mean hun. ty hunni. loves ya. xxx hope ye are well and give me cyber niece a huggle for me ok.

Take care,


16-10-06, 07:30
Hi, what you did was normal, I did the same last year when my son was bullyed......i would take no notise of your daughters request to not phone the police , after all it would send a clear message to the bullys that they cant do this and get away with it....
if the police got involved I bet they wouldnt dare do it again.
(well not to her anyway) .


16-10-06, 11:25
Hi Mirry,

Ty for your reply. Yes I have informed the police of what happened. They were very supportive and said that they will go and see this girl. I not heard anythling yet. My daughter not too happy mind but I explained that it was the best thing to do as no one has the right to do what that girl did. Thank you again Mirry and hope you are well. xxx

Take care,


16-10-06, 12:35
where moms where gonna react lin i know it can get scary cant it.then ya go on this guilt crap..........but here my boys now as they got older they say mom back off they will shoot you and not think twice im like ya well if they mess with yas maybe i will have to give it just back lol..i sounded like a little kid didnt i....but ya do what ya instincts are......but we need to try and be cool about it not over react which is very hard .....hopefully this will all pass soon hun tc love ya Linda[8D]

Sue K with 5
16-10-06, 13:16
My daughter went through the same last week and she was 10 we have had problems with a family in our area for 4 years now and last week jade was walking to the shop with her brother and two 14 year old girls from this family punched her to the floor grabbed her hair dragged her and kicked her, she was so scared. the following day the same girls threw mud inside the crack of my car window and this morning the same girls kicked off my wing mirror which is going to cost me a fortune to get fixed. Right this min I want to go down to the mothers house drag her by her hair and do some serious arse kicking, we have had this four years now we have called the police and the local authorities and nothing has been or will be done, these people tend to be a law unto themselves. Your anger is understandable and right this min I actually feel the same way but i also know that tit for tat does not work either there are better ways to skin a cat so dont let them reduce you to that level, think before you do anything and then go kick some arse!!

Dont let these people ruin your life, I have done that with this family but now I am past mad, I am past angry now I want justice and i am determined to get it.

Tell your daughter to be on her guard and to protect herself no matter what! We are mums first and foremost and have a right to protect our children and if this damn world we lives in wants to protect bullies then we need to find away to protect the victims

Good luck


16-10-06, 15:14
Hi Sue,

Thanks for your reply. I sorry to hear bout Jade. I tell ye if I could get me hands on all these little, well ye know what, I swear I'd be going to prison. I mean what do they think gives them the right to bully and treat our children like this. I know none of our kids are perfect, mine isn't for sure but she would never do that to anyone. Is it the way they are brought up??? I dunno. I don't think any reason is good enuf. Our kids have it rough for sure, and yes as parents its up to us to protect them as much as we can..

I told Siobhan to get some harder mates lol. Well I mean this seems to be the norm. A gang onto 1 person, it's just not on. What ever happened to sorting things out one to one eh???

Think we should start up a mothers gang eh??What ye think?? lol the thought of it lol. Well I mean our kids are in danger everyday with one thing or another. And it is just goin to get worse for them all isnt it??

I could go on and on with this. My anger is still there but a little less (til i see that little u know what), Thanks again sue. x

Take care,


Sue K with 5
16-10-06, 22:12
You know sounds like a bloody good idea a vigilante group against bullies.

Its about time we started to fight back. I wonder how many of us have actually been victims of bullying over the years, and ended up like this because of it????


Granny Primark
16-10-06, 22:30
I am so so sorry. Its a really quiet area where i live so i cant imagine what grief you must really be going thru.
Im certain your a brill mum. I agree with sue bullying has got to be stopped.
I was bullied at school cus i was a swat and didnt smoke.
Take care

17-10-06, 11:08

Linda i know how hard it is over there with your boys and all the guns and stuff in usa. God its gettin just as bad here too. I'm dreading it tbh. When I was younger I would just walk out at anytime day or night and there was nothing like there is today to harm me. Now, no bloody way. I wouldnt walk round my area at night. ty xxx

I would imagine so so many of us have been bullied in one form or another. I wasn't bullied at school. But I feel that I have been bullied in many ways by my fam, my bros and sis especially. God, I was too damn scared of them. NOW well, that has all changed. And do ye know what, they don't like it that i stand up to them. lol. Bullying is an awful thing to happen to anyone and I know that loads on here have been badly bullied in school or work. Sod em all. that's what I say now. Yes it has to stop. The kids nowadays think they can do an say wth they like. Ye see the laws have changed innit in their favour. We as parents get punished instead. I dont think that is fair. God I tell ya a smack never done me no harm.(not at the time obviously lol). They think they own the place now. NO RESPECT. That's what has gone from our kids. the respect.

Lynn, sorry to hear you been bullied at school. Eh I don't read take a break anymore as I can't concentrate on it. But when I did, I think I rem they set up a 'MUM'S ARMY'. To stop all this kinda behaviour. I thought it was a great idea. I think they should have something like that in every area.

Take care,


17-10-06, 13:39
Hey lin me dear!!
Well all I can say to ya is I would feel exactly the same as u!! As u know i dont got kids- thats why i havent posted but then i thought hang on, i had all the crap ur daughter did 6 yrs back so I kinda know a bit about it!!! I really can't blame u for bein angry and u shouldnt think bad of uself for feelin this way!!!! There are so many gangs about now- its scary, i mean i live a a tiny village and theres 2 gangs with people as young as 8 in!!!!! the advice I would give u me love is give ur daughter a talkin too and make sure shes not scared of them, coz their pathetic kids and thats it!! Secondly those who get intimidated cant be expected to just stand back... if u know wot i mean- me mam has always told me no matter wot the age if someone hits u- u give them one ten times harder back!!!
Dont worry- ur daughters a toughy- everything will work out good!!!!