View Full Version : My health problems are endless and I'm only 15! I fear cancer

26-07-13, 02:38
Hi everyone,

My name is Jen, and for the last several months I have had a host of strange symptoms that may or may not be all connected. I will try and touch on all of them here, as I am very anxious about them and have been kind of brushed off by my doctors. I’m hoping there are people out there who can relate to what I’ve been experiencing and hopefully point me towards a diagnoses where the Dr. didn’t.

In early May of 2013, I developed a UTI after experiencing difficulty holding in my urine. I went to the dr. and they did a urinalysis. Lo and behold, I had a UTI infection. This makes absolutely no sense because I am fifteen years old, not sexually active at all, and I haven’t even started menstruation! I had no pain whatsoever but I was put on a course of antibiotics anyway.

Then the dermatillomania starts up. I begin picking my scalp like no other, and the lymph node in the back of my neck swells up. Again, no pain. I go to the doctor, she sees nothing significant and sends me home.

A couple months later, I wake up one morning with a SEVERE headache. It hurts when I move my heard, or jump up and down. Symptoms persist for 5 days and my headache gradually subsides. It is replaced by a strange “clicking” sound in my ear and ringing in the ear. I become obsessed with the fact that I may have a brain tumor.

Then the buzzing starts. It’s usually only in my legs, but it’s always there. It feels like a bee is trapped in my legs and feet. I literally freak out, still convinced of a brain tumor.

And then I get the floaters. Remember, I’m only fifteen. And I have floaters. I see them all the time, everywhere. I hate them so much and I fear I will never be able to live a normal life with them. They scare me.

Around this time, I develop a sensation of waves of full body tingling that comes and goes. It’s almost like chills but I’m not cold. Once again, I think I have a brain tumor. And I’m so scared. The doctor just brushes me off, but I really feel like I need an MRI or something to rule out anything serious. What could be the cause of my symptoms?

Could it be the big C—Cancer?????

26-07-13, 11:07
Hi Jen,

I can sympathise with your situation as I have and experienced many of your symptoms through my life and anxiety troubles! I go through your list of symptoms and reassure you best I can :)

Firstly, I can't comment too much on your urine problems, however, my fiancée gets urine infections a lot and some people I believe are just susceptible to this but I can assure you these pass and your doctor would prescribe abit biotics to clear the infection, nothing to worry about.

Tinnitus - I have constant ringing of the ears and have had since I was 13 (now I'm 26) this becomes more noticeable when I'm going through anxiety or focusing on it! I've gone years without noticing it so this is nothing to worry about.

Eye Floaters - I first noticed these when I was about 11 when I first started wearing glasses, I use to stress about them so much and they are really bothersome when you focus on them! They are quite normal and can occur when you have sudden growth spurts and at your age your body is changing and things like this happens, after a while when you stop getting anxious about them they will disappear and you won't even notice them! I would suggest if you haven't already going to get your eyes tested, you might need glasses! But the floaters are nothing to worry about!

And the buzzing and chill feeling your getting I started getting these last year when my health anxiety surfaced! I can assure you that this is a result of high levels of anxiety! Its cause my Lots of adrenaline Entering your body to get ready for fight or flight, obviously, because you can't escape you health worries the adrenaline can't burn off, your body is just telling you that your anxious. Its really unpleasant and when I first started getting them I thought I was about to die! I can say I haven't and since I started CBT I haven't had these again, if you aren't already you need to get referred to a CBT therapist, who will be able to control your cognition a (your thoughts) because its your thoughts that are making the symptoms worse or manifest.

I hope this helps, you can beat this, its scary but you can do it! You just need to push through your fears and realise you are in control. All the best Jon :D