View Full Version : everyday is this normal? help!

26-07-13, 03:18
everyday i feel some type of pain such as headache, sharp shooting pains in my head or arm/legs something going numb stomachache nausea. eyes hurts
something can this be anxiety is it normal to feel pain everyday
does anyone else have this issue?

26-07-13, 04:36
I get your symptoms on a regular basis as well. They also worsen when I'm under a lot of stress.
Have you tried any therapy?

26-07-13, 04:51
I get your symptoms on a regular basis as well. They also worsen when I'm under a lot of stress.
Have you tried any therapy?
I Just got my health care i can't do anything till next month

26-07-13, 05:34
I went through an 8 month phase of having pain everyday. It was mainly my head but I also suffered aches in my arms, legs and just felt constantly 'blurgh'!! I couldn't believe that HA did that but it did eventually get better. I still get random twinges but I don't focus on it anymore & carry on. xx

26-07-13, 05:48
I went through an 8 month phase of having pain everyday. It was mainly my head but I also suffered aches in my arms, legs and just felt constantly 'blurgh'!! I couldn't believe that HA did that but it did eventually get better. I still get random twinges but I don't focus on it anymore & carry on. xx

thank you so much it's nice to know that I share the same problems as other ppl on here i feel a bit better:)

26-07-13, 11:53
I went through an 8 month phase of having pain everyday. It was mainly my head but I also suffered aches in my arms, legs and just felt constantly 'blurgh'!! I couldn't believe that HA did that but it did eventually get better. I still get random twinges but I don't focus on it anymore & carry on. xx

Yeah I get random pains all over and then convince myself I'm having a heart attack and then that sets off all the other symptoms. When I have a certain symptom like a pain in the arm for a few days, it goes away when I get a different symptom and focus on that one instead....

26-07-13, 16:28
Yeah I get random pains all over and then convince myself I'm having a heart attack and then that sets off all the other symptoms. When I have a certain symptom like a pain in the arm for a few days, it goes away when I get a different symptom and focus on that one instead....
that sounds like me

26-07-13, 16:32
Yep - it's amazing what HA makes you believe. Not so much now but I could have a headache one day and convince myself I had a tumour then the next day I would have an achy tingly arm and have MS :huh:! Suddenly my tumour was cured and I was confronted with a whole new problem. I think at one point I had both at the same time - I couldn't decide which was the lesser of 2 evils! Still, here I am months later with no lasting symptoms of either. Phew!! xx