View Full Version : I think of the worst possible things and they scare me.

26-07-13, 06:46
I'm not sure WHAT I have exactly. See I've been posting on the ocd part of the forum, but idk if that's what I'm going through. Say someone is talking about someone who got a sex change. I never would, but my brain thinks about doin it you know? Or say someone mention pedophilia, I start getting stressed
And I have to avoid kids. If my sister or someone female sits near me, I'll think of rape or murder. As a little Kid i would see an ad on tv about cancer and i would think, " i want Cancer" and i would freak out and think i would get it so i would say "no i don't". this would go on for about a week. I've had thought of self harm like cutting my fingers off or somethin stupid that i wouldnt really do and scare myself so bad I feel sick and I get depressed. I get scared that these are because I'm a psychopath or a skitzophrinic or just plain crazy. Is this ocd or am I insane?

26-07-13, 06:57
You're not insane. I don't suffer from this but some people here do, they will be along in a bit I'm sure.

26-07-13, 07:53
I don't suffer quite as much in this manner as you because I try to keep myself busy day to day.

26-07-13, 09:33
Hey HappyAce (that's a cool name)

What happens when you think of good things, thoughts about things there are to enjoy, to observe, to learn about? Can you share a bit more about that?

26-07-13, 10:58
These intrusive thoughts are very common with OCD, I suffer with some but not quite as intense as the ones you describe.

You are not insane, the mere fact that you had to ask means you're not.

Are you receiving any help for this problem?

04-08-13, 04:09
Hey HappyAce (that's a cool name)

What happens when you think of good things, thoughts about things there are to enjoy, to observe, to learn about? Can you share a bit more about that?
Well, it's hard to think of these things. I love to draw, write, film, skate...it's gotten harder to do these things but if I do them long enough they help, even if for a moment. When I do these things everything is blocked out momentarily, but they come back strong

04-08-13, 04:53
I think this is relatively normal. I've had/have some seriously terrifying thoughts throughout my depression and anxiety. For instance, I find it hard to use anything sharp as I instantly start imagining stabbing myself in the eye or something. At train stations or busy roads I find myself walking towards the edge and see myself stepping out in front of a train for example and then can see all the aftermath in my head. It can happen anywhere and it consumes me for that moment and I have to snap myself out of it. So yeah, you're not alone, not crazy and like someone else said, the fact you've confronted it is a step in the right direction.