View Full Version : Scared to get ears pierced

26-07-13, 07:46
I am slightly ashamed to admit that at my age (30 something) I have not yet ever been brave enough to have my ears pierced. I did book to have it done the other week but cancelled when I began panicking on the way to the shop. I am mainly concerned about hygiene and transmitted diseases and also the hole becoming infected or something . I read a story a few years ago and it put me off having them done, but most people I know have their ears pierced and I feel a bit silly for being so scared.

26-07-13, 08:06
Just do what you want to do. You are much more unique not actually piercing your ears. Just love yourself!

26-07-13, 08:11
Just do what you want to do. You are much more unique not actually piercing your ears. Just love yourself!

Get your point, but I am trying to overcome numerous anxieties that I have had for many years, flying , driving, dyeing hair etc etc and this is another thing that I have always been frightened to do. I am sick of being controlled by anxiety . Thanks for your reply. :)

26-07-13, 08:24
If you really want them done then go for it! Mum had her's re-pierced recently as they had grown over and it was fine. In and out in minutes - spent longer choosing which earrings to wear! She bought a solution to put on the ears and kept turning the earrings so there was no infection.
Good luck with it x

26-07-13, 09:24
If you really want them done then go for it! Mum had her's re-pierced recently as they had grown over and it was fine. In and out in minutes - spent longer choosing which earrings to wear! She bought a solution to put on the ears and kept turning the earrings so there was no infection.
Good luck with it x

Thank you. xx

26-07-13, 09:38
It will be ok Alma, make sure you keep the piercing clean to reduce the risk of infection.

26-07-13, 09:41
If it makes you feel any better I had 7 and a tongue ring. Just keep em clean and it will be all good!

26-07-13, 09:57
I used to feel like that, and then told my daughter (who had been encouraging me through the years as it's easier to buy people presents if they wear earrings!) that I was going to have them done when I was 50. Her reply?
"Don't, Mum, I can't imagine you with pierced ears!" :doh:

I haven't (yet) but it's not because of fear, it's because of my lifelong habit of twiddling my earlobes - can't imagne them with earrings in!

26-07-13, 11:52
Thank you ALL for your replies, I am booking it today, this is me trying to overcome my demons, I want to be able to do these things in life without becoming a quivering wreck!! :) xxxx

26-07-13, 12:20
Do you really want them piercing though?

I never wanted mine done but for my 21st birthday my family booked for me to have them done and bought me earrings so I had no choice really.

I never change mine, just wear what are called sleepers every day but earrings as such don't interest me.

Don't forget you have the daily cleaning routine to follow for about 6 weeks I think it is as well.

If you don't want them pierced then don't do it. Don't do it because you feel you have to and have something to prove.

26-07-13, 13:53
I think you should do it! I was a baby when I got my first holes pierced, I went a few months back and got second holes.

It seemed clean as they used a lot of alcohol and a piercing gun with the earring you picked out. It's not the same needle that goes into everyone's ear, it's the end of the earring that you decide to buy at the store.

A month after both my secon hole piercing a got infected, but that's only because I can only wear silver or gold earrings, I'm allergic to everything else. So make sure you get a silver one just in case. :) Just clean it daily and you'll be fine!

26-07-13, 14:08
Think I'm unique among my friends as I'm the only one who's never had any tattoos or peircings. Nothing to do with fear, I simply just don't want them or see the point.

And ditto about the silver studs - silver is an antiseptic material and often used in dressings to prevent infection.

26-07-13, 14:39
Once again thanks all for replying to me :) , will bear in mind the advice about silver studs etc ( I am so scared of the holes becoming infected).

I see your point Nicola and I have asked myself whether I am just being impulsive but I do look at earings in shops sometimes and think it would be nice to be able to wear them . :) xxx

29-09-13, 16:46
Hi , I finally got my ears pierced today! I was very scared but the lady was reassuring and did her best to keep me calm. I explained my biggest worry is infection and she did say to clean them three times daily and to turn the earing three times daily and not to remove the earings for 6 weeks. I do have a bit of redness and itching, I had them done about 2 hours ago. Is this normal and how would I know if I had an infection? Thanks for reading.

---------- Post added at 16:46 ---------- Previous post was at 16:35 ----------

I just re read some of my replies to this thread and I forgot to flipping check if they are silver studs. I remember seeing something on the form about allergies to metals but I don't know if I am allergic to them or not,

29-09-13, 17:27
Well done!! I remember the itching from when I had mine done. I also had what felt like a lump around the earring and it was like a red circle around the stud.

So pleased for you that you did this as I know it was a challenge you wanted to do. I don't need to tell you to keep them clean as I know you're a germaphobe like me!!

Now save up for a nice little pair of diamond studs!!

29-09-13, 18:05
Only have them pierced if YOU really want it, that is the sole reason you should get it done.

My Mum had her ears pierced for the first time well into her 60s. She was always a bit reluctant/nervous to do it too, but was getting fed up with all of the lovely earrings for pierced ears that she was missing out on (she wore clip ons for years) and just went for it and says she is so glad she did so.

The risk of infection is minimal through the actual procedure. The studs they put in are sealed first and sterilised when made, so have not been open to infection. The only risk of any infection is if you don't self-care for them at home after the procedure, and they give you a solution to wipe/clean them with as aftercare.

The actual procedure itself is a doddle, but as usual with us as anxious people, will build it up into some huge, scary thing, and the anticipation of something is worse than the actual thing in reality! It is literally over in seconds....job done.

I was the exact opposite. I was gagging to get my ears piered as a young girl, and my strict Dad would not allow me until I turned 16 years old, so on my 16th Birthday off I went!

I then got them pierced again as a rebellious teenager when I was 17, lol.

It really is easy and as long as you care for them properly, no problem.:)


29-09-13, 18:29
Thanks Bernie and Debs, you are right about me being a germaphobe Bernie, I asked the lady in Clare's to let me watch her clean the ear gun etc before I let her near me!
The soreness seems to have gone a bit and they just look a bit red but I feel a bit calmer about it all now.
Thanks Debs, it's quite an old thread now, this is how long it has taken me to get them done!

29-09-13, 19:50
I'm inclined to agree with Nicola. i had mine pierced years ago and I hate wearing them, for no other reason than I think I don't look right with them. Plus although someone mentioned about them making good presents, they are non-returnable if they aren't right - so unless you know the person very well and they aren't fussy, I'd say earrings make a bad present.

There are plenty of things that I would have a fear of that I absolutely wouldn't do for the sake of getting over a fear - one of those is a tattoo (although I'm not keen anyway).

Good luck if you do it - but do you really want to wear earrings?

Edit to add:
Oh - wow you got them done - well done :)

And there's nothing wrong wih making sure people follow hygiene routines - a lot don't, always good to be on the safe side

29-09-13, 20:01
Hi thanks Suki, yes I do want to wear earings, I have always looked at them in shops and thought they would look nice but then have fretted and worried about having them pierced and convinced myself I am going to die from an infection etc . I want to get over my fears that I feel are irrational, I went to have them done years ago and panicked so I am quite pleased with myself that I managed today. There are a lot of things I cannot do due to anxiety and I get fed up with it sometimes. Thanks to all for your advice.