View Full Version : What to do about this

26-07-13, 08:39
Yesterday whilst at the cinema with my fiancé , friend and his GF I felt extremely anxious and I honestly felt I was going mad. I'd been feeling angry and anxious all day I couldn't find the reason why I'd been feeling like this but it's just the way I am , sometimes. However , it was really intense at the start of the film I couldn't concentrate , nothing new , I really did feel insane so I did something out of character. I prayed. I know it's cliche but I said 'God if you get me through this ill give my life up and start following you' and about 10 mins later I felt a really big wave of calm wash over me. I know that could be a placebo effect or it could be a sign ? I'm not really sure what to do , do I follow through on my promise ?

26-07-13, 08:52
I am not a religious person but over these last few desperate weeks I have prayed for some help and relief, at one point I even thought of going to a church for comfort. :hugs:

26-07-13, 12:38
If you can use prayer and believe in God as a way to feel more comfortable, by all means, do it. Faith is good. I pray too and i believe in God personally, it does make me feel better. Just do what feels right to you.

26-07-13, 12:54
Erm that is my problem I'm stuck in the middle of believing and not believing , if that makes sense. I'm also getting into satanism which isn't what people think its all about doing your own thing without any guilt , regret , fear etc. which for someone with anxiety and depression could work really well. Satanist don't believe in god or the devil but I think Christianity could be more dangerous because it you pray and pray to no avail you could end up getting really frustrated and probably go mad in the head , as I've seen before. So I don't know what to believe

26-07-13, 12:58
Ah so you're agnostic? I used to be too. I just chose to have faith and believe in God. Because i think it makes more sense. Do what feels best to you, don't overthink it so much. You don't have to pray all the time, you can just believe whatever you want. I wouldn't suggest satanism tho, lol. But i don't want to push anything on you

26-07-13, 15:03
Please don't get into anything dark. When you say "follow God"...I don't reckon you have to believe in him to be a good person and do what's morally right for the good of others. You're safe doing that aren't you? Bit different from doing what you want without guilt. You can't not feel guilt unless you're mental!
When I was younger I prayed a lot saying things like that and it did make me feel calm, but kind of because you think you've "made a deal" with God. I don't think God is in a bargaining position, if he exists.
So please be a good person. Smile and the world smiles back :)

26-07-13, 15:15
Yeah,I also would advise staying away from the heavy stuff you mention.To feel nothing would mean a completly dead concience.That would be mental as Poncho says.You prayed and felt relief.Why dont you keep doing that rather when you are overwhelmed?

26-07-13, 16:51
There is no doubt the God of the bible is real. He is also referred to as the healer. You made a promise to him did you not? At least check it out dude.

26-07-13, 17:49
I don't see why this is considered 'heavy stuff' ? Have you read the satanic bible ? I couldn't find anything that bad about the satanic bible it was more of humanism , rather then spiritual. I don't know how anyone could take the satanic rituals serious and plus they don't believe in God or Satan , satanism is just a name. I thought the bible was kind of heavy because a lot of it is a bit like the Koran people killing people , all for not believing the same thing. However , I'm not going to lie I did find some good spiritual messages from the bible and I think , could be wrong , the bible has been corrupted by man. I think there is a Jesus and a God but just not as we know it.

26-07-13, 18:09
Speaking of heavy, lets not have a religion argument! We don't want to question your theologiesas much as help wth the anxiety/ocd, and we don't want you to get hurt in any way by something we don't understand, that's all :)
I stand by kindness first, it's something all major religions promote. If you are worried about "offending" a god at all, then focus on that fear than the religion itself. You'll find your answers lie in your state of mind than what's out there.

27-07-13, 10:17
I understand that kindness is first , in most religions , but don't you think kindness can be taken for weakness ? Let's not let religion blind us here because we both know some people will take advantage of that kindness if they get the chance not all people , most will though. Plus isn't kind of silly to be kind to every single person ? For all you know you could be kind to a stranger who is a registered sex offender , criminal etc and I really do think that is energy wasted. I understand religions want to promote kindness but I've read some religious books and some of them certainly do not promote kindness especially the Koran , read it for yourself. I'm not worried about offending any god because like I say I ain't positive if there is a god and there is no fear I can't fear something I can't see or feel , right ?

27-07-13, 14:05
When you said "do I follow throught with my promise", I assume that you are thinking about this because you fear that something bad could possibly happen if you don't, even though you are not sure. Otherwise you wouldn't have posted and we go round in circles.
Not commenting on the values of religious texts and teachings or an argument will erupt.

27-07-13, 22:31
I honestly don't fear anything I was just asking shal I follow through on the promise I made ? I'm not here to argue brother

27-07-13, 22:35
Wasn't it satanists that killed that foal in ritual killing?