View Full Version : Only a blip I hope

26-07-13, 08:47
Panic and anxiety have shot through the roof have been awake since 5am having panic attacks, I keep repeating the mantra in my head its only a blip and it will calm back down. I just have to get over my husband moving out today, unfortunately I have had to resort to 2mg lorazepam just to calm me down and get the breathing in sync again. Thank god I still have my son living at home so I don't have to be on my own tonight and over weekend. Why does life have to keep throwing us these challenges, it's hard enough to cope with anxiety and panic on a daily basis as it is with out a curve ball being thrown in. In the words of the song things can only get better. Xx:hugs:

26-07-13, 08:49
Keep your mind occupied and keep smiling! Take a hold of the ball and throw it back! I hope you feel better soon!


26-07-13, 09:29
Thinking of you Kim :hugs:, you will cope through today and the weekend, take the Lorazepam during this time, it's what's it's there for.

Try to do some a few small tasks like having a shower, watching TV for a while, writing in a diary or a jigsaw for instance, anything to pass a few more minutes.

We will get over this, keep up with the mantra - it sounds like it's working. I try to remember 'this too will pass' but when I need it most I forget :blush:

Love and hugs

26-07-13, 13:23

Writing in a diary can prove very therapeutic during times of anxiety and panic. Hope you feel better soon :)

26-07-13, 15:32

Hope you get through today, it can't be an easy day for anyone let alone if you have anxiety, be kind to yourself :hugs:

26-07-13, 16:25
Thanks all very low but just about hanging in there xx

26-07-13, 17:03
Lots and lots of love to you Sweetheart. Every day is a day nearer to you being the other side of the shock and sadness. xxx

26-07-13, 19:57
:bighug1: Don't feel bad about taking the Lorezapam!! that's what it is there for and if it helps you to relax I say TAKE IT!! its better than suffering through the day feeling terrible and panic stricken.