View Full Version : Help with anxiety

26-07-13, 11:38
im hoping someone can help me

Im really panicky/anxious most of the day, the mornings are horrific where to be honest the only time I feel I get a break from all the crazy thoughts and tight chest is when I’m asleep and that’s all I want to do. I fall asleep easily at night but wakeup feel exhausted, when I finally relax throughout the day I feel even more tired.

I have tight chest and feel so sick that when I try to eat it makes me wretch, I feel like im trapped in a viscious circle, the doctor prescribed me propranonlol to take as and when. One minute I’m boiling, one minute im freezing.

Im stuck in what if situations about the future and they get more and more obsessive and like I said all I want to do is go to sleep in order to have a rest

Can anyone help? or give me any advice etc

26-07-13, 12:01
Hi foxmini,

Have you seen your GP to explain how you are feeling? That would be a good first step.
If you have a good rummage around on this site there is lots of really information about anxiety and why we get the physical symptoms, as well as tips on how to begin some self help, like breathing.

This is a great site and you'll get lots of support.

But definitely see your GP

Good luck and keep posting


26-07-13, 12:16
Hi Hun :D:hugs:

:welcome: to the site, please take time to read through the site, eg, first steps, how to cope, this is on the left hand side.

This site is a great place to be, people do understand what you are going through and will help and support you as much as they can.

You have had some good advice already, as always :yesyes:

What sort of help and support are you getting at the moment?

Hunny, feeling tired or having major fatigue can be a symptoms of panic/anxiety/depression.

There is a balance, you can have to much sleep, but you can also not have enough, we are all different and you need to find what is normal FOR YOU.



26-07-13, 12:19
i went to doctors yesterday they gave me propranolol

i have a relaxation cd to listen to a night, i dont find falling asleep an issue but when i wake up i feel like i haven't been asleep

i just feel the thoughts i have when im anxious are so obbessive i dont know if they are actually what i am thinking or if its the anxiety? does that make sense?

the only way i feel i can realease is to cry.

the mornings are the worst and not being able to eat x