View Full Version : Random thoughts?

26-07-13, 12:54
I keep having random thoughts/mind chatter/words popping up in my head.
It's like my brain is always thinking.. and i have random thoughts floating around..
The more i try not to think of these things the more it pops up.
The only way i'm not constantly thinking is by distracting myself.

Is this anxiety or am i losing it?

26-07-13, 14:53
Hi there,
That sounds like anxiety/intrusive thoughts, especially if you're trying not to think them. Are they violent/sexual/blasphemous in any way?

MrsS x

26-07-13, 15:21
No they're not violent/sexual/blasphemous, just worrisome thoughts, like thoughts about things i worry about, catastrophic thoughts.. thoughts about bad things happening like illness, and i can't stop thinking about them..

Should i be worried??

26-07-13, 15:32
Nope that's just anxiety, you're not losing you're mind. It's what anxiety does to us :-) There is a really good book called Imp of the Mind. You can buy it from Amazon or download it for about £7. It covers intrusive thoughts, what they aree and how to deal with them. It's really helping me already.

MrsS x

26-07-13, 15:33
As well as anxiety, I think you just have a very active mind. I'm the same! My mind is constantly on the go 24/7 thinking about anything and everything. Yep - even when I dream, my dreams are very vivid & I remember them so clearly. I don't see myself as having intrusive thoughts - it's just the way I am - I'm an overthinker. I don't let it worry me although I do wish I could switch my brain off sometimes and just relax a little. xx

27-07-13, 04:49
Always try for a little objectivity. Do you lack structure in your life? Or perhaps you have so much of it that your mind is stuck doing mental back flips. Open the door, go outside the house and ask a bum how or why he/she wound up on the street. Your mind needs a reference point based in reality. So give it one instead of putting it through the torture of lack of stimulation.
Your mind wants something to do!

---------- Post added at 05:49 ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 ----------

There is nothing better in the world than exercise. Live and you will be rewarded with more life.