View Full Version : Therapy - The beginning

26-07-13, 14:50
Hi all,
Just thought I'd let you know how today went at day one of therapy.To be honest, I didn't think it seemed particularly helpful. The therapist asked me a load of questions about what I've been dealing with, whether I've thought about suicide, if I've self-harmed etc. She gave me two tests, one which looks at how depressed I am and one at how anxious I am. The scores were 22/27 on depression and 21/21 on anxiety. She then went on to ask me about the intrusive thoughts, their content, how I feel when I get them etc.

After about a 45 minute talk she started telling me about the "psychotherapy" courses they offer. The first one looks at dealing with stress and bad thoughts. After that she realised a lot of the techniques I know from the great people of NMP are already covered by that course, and suggested one about dealing with OCD instead. It's a CBT course but I'm in two minds whether to attend it. On one hand, it might be useful, but on the other hand it's group therapy and not individual therapy so there is no 1:1 support. The aim of the course is to provide you with techniques to cope with OCD but I feel as I have Brain Lock & Imp of the Mind already, I sort of..already have those techniques. This sort of makes the course invaluable to me, I feel. I'd personally rather they offer it to somebody who doesn't know about these books and techniques.

I can't say as it was an easy appointment. I cried, lots. To be honest, I'm glad it was just me and the therapist, I wasn't so forced and unnatural. I just said it how it is. I think the hardest part was when she asked me whether there was anyone I considered significant enough to me for me not to commit suicide. I immediately curled up and sobbed, then whispered "my husband- he's my world, my everything" and went on to tell her the story of the "if we can deal with this, we can deal with anything" agreement we made when my father-in-law was made bankrupt and my Nan was diagnosed with Altzheimer's Disease. I then went on to tell her about how my then boyfriend held me to my word and proposed 2 years later when the storm had blown over.

Unfortunately, they don't do an actual diagnosis and to get this I need to go back to my GP. The problem with that is that he is away until October. I already feel like I've maybe not been diagnosed because I've been batted around between three doctors. OCD is never a diagnosis you want, but if it's something you have, you might as well grin and accept it. That's how I'm seeing it now, anyway. The ironic thing is the more I hear myself talk, the more I realise I myself sound like a typical OCD sufferer, not a killer!

MrsS x

26-07-13, 17:49
Well dine for going Hun, you deserve a big ((((hug)))) The first time I went I cried so much, it's a really tough thing to do, you should be really proud.

Trust me, therapy helps, stick at it.

Can you not go to see another GP? My GP said I had PTSD caused by the attack which was causing the intrusive thoughts. PTSD caused my panic disorder and agoraphobia. I was referred to the mental health team who basically said the same as my gp.

26-07-13, 18:21
Hi Pearl35 many thanks for your wishes, I kept breaking down when the therapist asked about people dear to me, it really hit home that I do have emotions for them still and my thoughts are not wanting to kill them but outright fear,it was perspective if nothing else.

What kind of therapy do you recieve? It'd be great to hear from anyone who has had group therapy and whether it helped them. My husband and my brother both really want to help me and I feel better already knowing that they care. My Mum and brother have been asking lots of questions but my Mum is worried by talkng about my intrusive thoughts she is reinforcing them.

I have seen two other GPs but I don't think there is one I can see as such. I would like to transfer under the care of the second or third doctor I saw as I felt that they really listened, but the practice on the whole isn't fabulous. The GP I saw last time said "obsessive traits" but the GP before him said Harm OCD, unfortunately it's down to my regular GP to make an affirmative diagnosis.

MrsS x

26-07-13, 18:26
Therapy is really hard at the beginning. Unfortunately you have to talk about all the bad stuff before they can start teaching you the coping skills to deal with it. It can leave you feeling very raw.

Group therapy is not normally about sharing your deepent thoughts in front of other people. It's more about teaching you coping skills. Yes, you lack the 1:1 to focus on your specific issues, but it should cover the more common types of OCD thoughts and might be a good starting point. The other benefit could be meeting others with OCD, which might be nice.

The other thing is that if you can agree to what they're offering, you can then go back and say you did what they asked, but still need more help. If you don't accept what they're offering now, they may be reluctant to offer anything more specialist. I don't know your individual circumstances and it's obviously up to you, but that's just what I would do.

You've done really well to get through your appointment today. So give yourself a huge pat on the back and do something nice for yourself, because you deserve it.

26-07-13, 18:59
I had to go private for counselling as on the NHS the wait was a year. I have psychotherapy I think you'd call it, but of cbt thrown in there too;)

27-07-13, 11:11
Edie, I guess you're right in regards to the support issues. As much as I feel it might be what I already know, I don't want to shoot myself in the foot. I hadn't thought of the possibility of meeting others with OCD, probably one of the biggest highlights of it! :-D

Pearl35 I think that's where I got lucky, it only took a week to get from referral to assessment, then another 3 weeks before therapy starts.

I guess I shall have to go and have a look and let you all know how I get on! :-)

MrsS x

27-07-13, 11:36
It sounds as though you made huge progress, crying is always a good sign for me; it usually means I've lifted a lid off some dark things which can then escape into the ether and leave me alone. xxxx

27-07-13, 12:05
Speranza it's funny how crying does that, I tend to do an half hour of temper tantrums, an hour of crying, an hour of sleep and perfectly normal again! That,or a day of obsessive worrying!

MrsS x