View Full Version : Can someone reassure me please?

26-07-13, 15:49
I need some reassurance PLEASE...

So my panic started when i had panic attacks about having a heart attack, i thought there was something wrong with my heart, and i had many panic attacks over this, ofcourse it never happened and after a while i finnaly got over the fear of having a heart attack.

Then i was fine for a year or so, and then came the fear of having something physically wrong in my brain, like a brain tumor. I had alot of panic attacks over this and ofcourse, this thing didn't happen either.

Now i have the fear of having a scary mental illness, like schizophrenia (the word itself scares me) I already went to psychologist and she said that i'm not going crazy at all and that there is nothing wrong with me. But that was a year ago.. The fear is so real to me i keep having panic attacks just thinking of it. What if my psychologist is wrong and there really is something wrong? The symptoms i have are hot flashes, dizziness, sweaty hands, nervous stomach, mind chatter, obsessive thinking, nausea, shaky, dry mouth, fast heartbeat, feeling weird, frequent urination, fear of dying/going crazy, fear of losing control, yawning, sweating.

Thank you to anyone who read all this, can someone please reassure me? i'm so scared i'm going mad

26-07-13, 16:10
Yep, that's all panic! All those symptoms you describe, I had! It's awful feeling this way . . . Are u on any meds? I've been on Prozac for two years and they have turned my life around.Increased 2 days ago due to depression rearing its nasty head.

Take care.


26-07-13, 16:27
Yep, doesn't sund like schizophrenia, and anxiety is very unlikely to cause you psychosis.

26-07-13, 18:47
Yep! These are all anxiety symptoms and the fact that you are on this forum asking the question means you have not "lost your mind". Remember your "thoughts" are what is triggering the physical symptoms!!

Try saying to yourself "these are just thoughts and cannot harm me"...it will help

Take care