View Full Version : Can't sleep

15-10-06, 08:47

I'm having really bad problems sleeping at the moment. I'm really tired, physcially and emotionally but I cant get that long, decent sleep I know I need.

I sleep really well when my bf is here, but he's gone away for the weekend. I'm shattered but still cant get any real sleep.

Any tips? I've done lots of relaxation Cds and breathing exercises. I guess the main issue is keeping my mind still. I'm having a lot of anxiety and paranoia. I keep focusing on negatives and struggle to find the positives.

I almost feel in a state of confusion right now. I need to talk to someone, but due to the time, no one is in the chatroom.

Also, depression is getting best of me at the moment.

Thanks for letting me share!

15-10-06, 09:20
Hi Sixy,
i can deffinately relate to this one i have a similar problem coming up next weekend which i'm fretting about.
i got left alone in the flat for a week once when my boyfreind went away on a course, i never thought i'd get through it but i did.
i know you must be exhausted, but try not to worry about the fact that youre not sleeping cos that only makes things worse, if you cant sleep just get up and do something else such as read a book or make yourself a drink or just put the radio on or something. once when he left me in a hotel room all night on my own on the other side of the world and i got panicky and didnt know how to use the phone to ring anyone i got through it by keeping the TV on all night with the volume on very low. even just keeping a light on in the hallway and the door open can be comfoting as theres nothing worse than lying there in the dark trying to sleep and feeling terrified.
Are there other people you can phone such as family and freinds if you feel the need for comfort? sometimes this can help, and also arranging for your boyfreind to phone you regularly to see how youre getting on can help.
i hope you find some of this useful.
A posotive thought to think of might be that its not scary being on your own, its liberating, you can do all the things that would be frowned upon if there was someone else there. and its a learning experience, an opportunity to learn that you can survive on your own even if you find it hard.

Sue K with 5
15-10-06, 14:32
Hi ya honey

Yesterday you had a really emotional day and we tend to suffer the most at night when our emotions are on a high.

I think your doing so well trying to cope with the anxiety and as we discussed yesterday paranoia is part of the anxiety so dont let this get the better of you.

Your doing well, and you will come through this, at night when i cant sleep i tend to lay in bed and watch the tv something thats totally boring, nothing you will enjoy ok, otherwise as i discovered you will still be awake at 6am, so put on bbc2 watch quantam physics and it will send you into a deep sleep, i know i did it the other night lol

Just learn to relax your body first and then your mind will follow suit, once you reach a state of deep relaxation the mind tends to follow. Most importantly dont let it become the focus of your day or you can make it worse worrying about it.

Your body is capable of shutting down when it knows its had enough so just go with the flow I have sent you a pm with some info and hope this helps

hugs for now

