View Full Version : groin and leg pain

26-07-13, 17:23

I am having this pain in my right groin going down front of my thigh, it is hard to explain the pain it feels more like an uncomfortable feeling or pressure than actual painful pain. Dr just had a small look, i say small because she just gently touched around and said she cant see anything. The feeling is more just exactly above the groin not entirely in the groin itself.Now that i came home it feels even worse. Any ideas on what it might be? I worry about apendix i huess and not sure what else to even worry about but i am still scared.

26-07-13, 17:25
Muscle strain most likely.

26-07-13, 17:47
It's good you've seen the doctor. I used to sometimes get pains shooting down my leg when I was ovulating, it can be linked to your ovary. I would monitor it and go back in a week if it is no better (or obviously, go to A&E if it gets a lot worse!)

26-07-13, 18:21
Did you talk about your anxiety about your throat? Has this groin thing taken over your worries about your breathing? It's unlikely to be Appendix and as Joel says its more likely muscle strain.

26-07-13, 23:22
Thanks for replies all.

Sal, it hasn't replaced it, it's all there, the throat, the groin, i got sickly feeling in my head too with lightheadedness, and lots of pressure feelings in head and chest. I talked to her about all of it. She looked at my throat and said it looks fine, took my blood pressure and that was fine ( actually it was 116/80, which is fine but i usually have over 120 at least the top one especially at the doctors so i worry now that it is even lower although i was not extremely anxious talking to her). She listened to my chest and my heart, said my heart is beating fast but it is understanfable, and also she touched around my groin and thigh. And said it is stress and anxiety and she doesnt think there is anything wrong with me.
I am waiting for CBT and she said that hopefully that will help. I just cant stop feeling this way still after the appointment i still feel all those things and feel scared...

27-07-13, 13:41
Hi Millie
How are you feeling today?

27-07-13, 16:15
Sal, thanks for asking!

I was ok this morning and then later on it all came back. We came to London to visit friends. She lost her vaby cause she wasnt very well due to fibroids. But even though i am upset a lot for her i cant stop thinking about how i feel! The pain in groin is here, i feel some pain more in the pubic area than really groin, it hurts when i press like a bruise but i cant feel or see anything. I get motion sickness in the car if i look at my phone especially and the heat doesnt make anything better but ever since we came i have been feeling lightheaded, nauseous and faint and i really dont cope very well with it. Throat goescand comes back.
I feel really low and depressed, keep thinking i feel like i will either collapse or choke and if none of that there might be something else wrong with me like the groin so whats the point.

I also had just finished period and started spotting again which happens to me sometimes since in pill and checked it out but still i panick every time. But seems now it is all worse, i find it hard to think positive, it has been so long since i gave been in this dark place and i cant remember how i coped.