View Full Version : Cyst history and a little nervous

26-07-13, 17:41
So, I was born with a dermoid cys t in the bone of my nose. I had it removed when I was 22 and am 42 now. I had never been worried at all, ironically, about it.

But last week, I noticed I had a sore bump just above the scar where the cyst was removed, thinking it was a pimple I picked t it, but it is not a pimple. It only has clear fluid and is close to the surface. It is painless now but seems a bit like a blister but slightly deeper. It fills and I pick t it, now convinced it is not a pimple I am leaving it alone, but it kind of nags at me.

I am not having a major breakdown over this, but has anyone else had something like this? It is not really similar to the cyst that was in my nose, and I suspect it is very benign, but you know how any change is when you are in the zone...

26-07-13, 17:43
The best thing to do is to see the doctor. You sound to be doing a good job on the Not Panicking front. :hugs:

26-07-13, 18:02
I happened to have an appointment for something I wasn't freaking out about next Wednesday, so it works out. Just wondering if anyone else has had something like this. I seem to be working myself into a frenzy about it as time goes on.