View Full Version : help please

26-07-13, 18:36
H i iam new, and wondered if someone could help me please. I have been feeling poorly on and off for over 2+1/2 years,feels like my hearts pounding/palpitations,fogy headaches,numb fingers and leg,blurred vision(nearly every day) urintating a lot,dry mouth,shaky hand,dizziness,tiredness etc,would this be anxiety/stress?

I have been tested for diabetes(borderline),thyroid,glucose fast,ecg and blood pressure(a bit on low side) and am awaiting a mri scan, doctors never seem to say theres anything wrong with me and its getting me down

26-07-13, 19:51
Sounds like anxiety to me. you should read up on it and the causes and symptoms and how to change your thinking about it. At this point you are so down about the symptoms that you are searching for answers through tests and what not. its easy to be overcome with the state of your symptoms you need to try and bounce back and learn more on how to cope with anxiety. It can literally make you think there is something terribly wrong when there isn't. Best of luck

26-07-13, 19:57
Sounds like anxiety to me. you should read up on it and the causes and symptoms and how to change your thinking about it. At this point you are so down about the symptoms that you are searching for answers through tests and what not. its easy to be overcome with the state of your symptoms you need to try and bounce back and learn more on how to cope with anxiety. It can literally make you think there is something terribly wrong when there isn't. Best of luck
thanks for your comments, iam making myself more worried as think i have multiple scelerosis and that why docs sending me for mri scan !
Its very hard to stop worrying (dont realsie 95% of time iam) am a born worrier, used to wake up in middle of night worrying about things at work, and also got a teenage son whos got 5 disabilites whos ill a lot and i worry every hr of the day about him, is there any medicine i can take to ease this?

26-07-13, 20:06
There are a range of different medications that could help you, you need to speak to your GP and they will be able to help you. :hugs::hugs: