View Full Version : HA back and ruining me.

26-07-13, 20:02
Hi haven't posted on here for a long time but lately things for me have got so bad I really feel my life is a complete mess. Every waking hour of my day I constantly worry about having some nasty illness. Ive had HA for around 7 years now but this is the worst I've ever been.
Unfortunately I'm one of those that is absolutely terrified of doctors so will never go cos I have a huge dread of him telling me I do actually have something really bad.

Recently I have convinced myself I have pancreatic cancer because of toilet issues. Yes I googled it. Within days of this unbeknown to me they bring the exact story into coronation street. A program ive watched for years but now stopped watching it. i cant face it. On This Morning they did a piece on it. Everything I see or hear is about PC and now im in bits thinking that someone somewhere is giving me a sign :(

I have pains in my stomach that come and go. I ache like hell at night. I hardly sleep. Im scared to eat anything cos I know I will just keep cheecking whats come out. Always soft and sometimes pale, sometimes yellow. I hate being this way and feel trapoed in a world and body that I dont want to be in. :weep:

26-07-13, 20:46
I was living in fear of lymphoma, and suddenly one of my favorite medical shows did a storyline about the cancer. I freaked out.

Thought it was too much of a coincidence. But guess what? I am A-okay. It's because we are hypersensitive to our specific fears. Cancer is in the news and media all the time, but we only really process the cancer stories that somehow relate to us.

Take care!


26-07-13, 20:49
Thank you Jen

Dex x

26-07-13, 22:17
I had a unsubstantiated fear of HIV at one point and felt like everything was trying to give me a sign.
Stools change daily in consistency and colour. They would be consistently irregular if something was wrong I am sure.

26-07-13, 22:59
I am exactly the same at the minute. Every minute of the day I am worried about having some life threatening illness and dying to the point its taken over my life. I used to have an extreme phobia of anything medical to the point I did not seek medical attention for a pregnancy until.quite late (something which I'm utterly ashamed of) but now i'm convinced i'm dying i'm constantly there!

The.anxiety is awful. This is no help I know but just want to say you're not alone x

26-07-13, 23:06
You are definitely not alone, I feel like this at the moment I am so scared of everything. I just want to go back 12 months where I was in control, not worrying and most importantly happy.
Sorry I'm not much help just wanted you to know I know how you feel xx

27-07-13, 13:25
Hi haven't posted on here for a long time but lately things for me have got so bad I really feel my life is a complete mess. Every waking hour of my day I constantly worry about having some nasty illness. Ive had HA for around 7 years now but this is the worst I've ever been.
Unfortunately I'm one of those that is absolutely terrified of doctors so will never go cos I have a huge dread of him telling me I do actually have something really bad.

Recently I have convinced myself I have pancreatic cancer because of toilet issues. Yes I googled it. Within days of this unbeknown to me they bring the exact story into coronation street. A program ive watched for years but now stopped watching it. i cant face it. On This Morning they did a piece on it. Everything I see or hear is about PC and now im in bits thinking that someone somewhere is giving me a sign :(

I have pains in my stomach that come and go. I ache like hell at night. I hardly sleep. Im scared to eat anything cos I know I will just keep cheecking whats come out. Always soft and sometimes pale, sometimes yellow. I hate being this way and feel trapoed in a world and body that I dont want to be in. :weep:
I would urge you to see your doctor about this. There are various causes, and pancreatic cancer is a very rare one. It may simply be due to reduced transit time, as I suffer with ulcerative colitis and have had this same issue in the past. The bottom line is do not use Google to diagnose, as symptoms without context, history and testing are usually meaningless.