View Full Version : Afraid of Cancer but probably just stressed

26-07-13, 23:50
My father passed suddenly two weeks ago. It didn't hit me at first then the stress hit me hard. Since then,I've lost 10 pounds and I have no appetite. Of course I googled the symptoms and lung cancer or stomach cancer popped up. He died of a heart attack,so that made me feel like I was gonna die from a heart attack also. Consciously I feel ok but I think my subconscious is taking it hard. Im a 34 year old healthy 6 '4 bodybuilder and I was around 300lbs for a long time. So when I see 290lbs on the scale,it scares me. Could be I took two months off because of financial reasons so the weight loss could be water and glycogen. I have to force feed myself to eat sometimes. I also have constant slight belching and a weird taste in my mouth sometimes. Could be sinuses or stomach acid. Just wanna know is my weight loss and no appetite normal for stress and anxiety? Or are they symptoms of early cancer.

27-07-13, 00:23
Hi no no no your weight loss is absolutely down to stress worry and anxiety. I lost 2 stone when it hit me hard. When yr mood up turns the weight will deffo go back on. Mine did plus some.

27-07-13, 13:30
Anorexia is a common symptom of both physical illness and mental disturbance, due to metabolic changes. 10 lbs in weight is not a great amount, and clinically it's usually when someone loses at least 10% of bodyweight that investigations are started. I would urge you to speak to your GP, as this is likely to be due to clinical depression, bereavement and various endocrine disturbances such as increased cortisol and adrenalin, and there is help out there.