View Full Version : Wasting worry?

27-07-13, 03:44
this started about a week ago, my right one has been bad for a while but now left is worse
is this wasting/atrophy? 2nd pic is the worst one, when I compare it to left huge difference and am freaking out




27-07-13, 04:56
The pictures look like a completely normal hand to me. You should see mine - very boney and wasted!

27-07-13, 05:07
I don't know where you think there is wasting because I can't see any difference! Us HA sufferers become hypersensitized to our bodies and think there are drastic changes when in reality it's nothing major. I'm sure there is nothing wrong with your hands.

27-07-13, 05:41
Don't see a speck of difference between the pictures either. We perceive changes that are not there, but fit the worry we have. I notice pains in my chest when I have cardiac worries that scarcely register when I don't.

I would do my best to relax, they all look normal and healthy to me.

27-07-13, 13:36
Doesn't resemble atrophy at all.