View Full Version : Please help :(

27-07-13, 06:57
Hi there

I have been having panic attacks the last three days. I am currently on citalopram 10mg dose a day. I don't know..every time I am sick I get these panic attacks and takes me forever to calm down.I will try to describe the symptoms.

Rushing thoughts
Cold feeling in cheeks,neck,chest,back, almost feels like hot and cold flushes
Heart beating really fast
Helpless,like no one is there for me even tought my fiance is right next to me
Feeling alone and scared
Feeling like i want to escape or be around people

If anyone has any advice please help I dont know what to do anymore, I am scared of having another attack and then I get one because I am scared of getting one :(

There is no place/hospital in my area I can go to when I have one since they do not see it as life threatening.

I have tried breathing techniques but they only sometimes work. :weep:

27-07-13, 07:16
I totaly understand im going through the same at the minute i was like that last night. Ive just started my meds , im on cipralex. How long you been on tablets?

27-07-13, 07:22
I am sorry to hear that you are going through it,it is really not a nice thing. I have been on them for 2 weeks and 2 days but skipped 2 days since I ran out, think that might be what is causing this, I have been trying to find out if it only happens when I am sick or just out of the blue, my mum suffers from it as well.
It is nice to know I am not the only person that experiences these things( not meaning it in a bad way )